Podcast: Episode 140 – Turning LeMons Into Hard Lemonade


So I just got back from the 24 Hours of LeMons, and it’s safe to say it didn’t go as we’d hoped. The car was running far stronger than it had in its first race, according to my teammates. That’s great news!

Unfortunately that pretty little car truck wouldn’t stay pretty for long…

Hooniverse – Turning LeMons Into Hard Lemonade

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3 responses to “Podcast: Episode 140 – Turning LeMons Into Hard Lemonade”

  1. mdharrell Avatar

    “…I actually slept in the track in the back of the Titan XD which was a terrible idea because it wasn’t comfortable at all. A $63,000 truck does not make a good racetrack condominium.”

    Well, no, of course not. That’s why at my last LeMons race I instead slept in my HMV Freeway.


    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      oh my…

      1. mdharrell Avatar

        It’s more comfortable than it looks, which I admit isn’t necessarily a high standard.