Podcast: Episode 133 – A Quart Of Ale Is A Dish For A King w/guest Jonny Lieberman


It’s been a bit shocking that this is the first time we have Jonny Lieberman join us as a guest on the Hooniverse podcast. The man, who is currently the Senior Features Editor at Motor Trend, was there when Hooniverse burst forth onto the Internet. Actually, he was there before it all started too… as you’ll find out in this episode of the podcast.

Sure we talk about cars too, but we talk a bit more deeply about our favorite beverage; BEER! This is a good one folks, so set aside some you time and listen in…

Hooniverse – A Quart Of Ale Is A Dish For A King – w/ guest Jonny Lieberman

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3 responses to “Podcast: Episode 133 – A Quart Of Ale Is A Dish For A King w/guest Jonny Lieberman”

  1. Bradley Brownell Avatar
    Bradley Brownell

    I heard Jonny is some kind of shill for GM or something. #Payola

  2. The Rusty Hub Avatar
    The Rusty Hub

    I’ll just leave this.


  3. Dearthair Avatar

    You know, I miss doing the Hooniverse podcast. Those were fun. Good on you for roping Loverman into participating!