Hey, hey, hey, today is the birthday of the legendary comedian and one-time twin supercharged Shelby Cobra 427 owner, Bill Cosby. Happy birthday, Bill. From I Spy to Fat Albert, to the Cosby Show, The Cos’ was a TV staple for more than four decades, breaking down the color barrier and making the Boob Tube feel far less boobish in the process.
Considering his track record on the small screen, you’d think that pretty much anything he did would have been successful, but that was not the case with his last TV venture, The Cosby Mysteries. That show, which positioned the comedian as a New York Police criminalist, only lasted a single season. Cosby has not led a series since.
Our Mystery series on the other hand is still going strong almost three years on. That’s because we don’t step out of our comfort zone here, it’s only cars, and mystery. Well, it’s also rules, and those are: make and model, likely engine, and year-range to be crowned the king, or queen as it may be. And now, as The Cos’ might say, hey, hey, hey, it’s the Mystery Car!
Image source: ©2013 Hooniverse/Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved
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