Do you remember when cars started to get fancy and you could switch via a knob or buttons from regular, eco and sport modes. That usually meant the transmission shift points, or in extra fancy cars the suspension settings. BMW’s M Performance division is planning on going further, giving you and entirely different experience depending on your mode. I think my mood would stay in this mode pretty much all the time.
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day. It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.
Last Call: Mmmmmm Edition
I fear I may be heading towards not a great desicion…. I want a V12 Jaguar, pretty bad. I’m thinking an XJS, modified. Hot rodded if you will. I mean, it wouldn’t be my primary car, it would be cool a s hell tooling around in an uncorked V12. How bad could it be? I’ve been reading a pretty good amount about them, doesn’t seem too bad. Maybe I’m seeing this in rose colored glasses.
From what little I know it seems like the last production years had most of the kinks worked out. If you wanted to dump a bunch of change on an older one I’m sure you could rebuild the engine for reliability and run standalone fuel injection and ignition systems. It’s a cool idea though.
i’m sure you are. but the thing is, we don’t get into project cars because they’re practical. as long as you have another car that you can rely on, and you’re willing to put some time and money into the Jaaaaaag, i say do it! it’d be awesome to see someone pouring love into a V12 instead of doing another SBC swap…..though tbh, i would not judge you harshly if you went with the latter option. ‘s probably what i’d do.
maybe this is my imagination, but somehow i’ve gotten the impression that the V12 itself isn’t that bad, it’s just all the ancillaries that shit the bed every second.-
You’re probably right on here. I cannot possibly count the number of times I’ve read or heard someone nix a BMW/Audi/MB because “parts are too expensive.” I have no doubt that Jaguar parts are pricey, but as long as they’re available and you can afford them what does it really matter?
I keep trying to rationalize buying an XJ12 for use as a daily driver so I think I have it worse than you do. My ideal would be a ’96 XJ12 sedan (Indigo Blue or British Racing Green) as these were all long wheelbase models in the US and got the Vanden Plas treatment as well but I would settle for a ’95 (which were all SWB in the US). My subsequent plan would be to investigate the feasibility of adding a supercharger to that glorious V12.
I am entirely sympathetic to this – I’d love to own something with a V12, at least once, and XJS is easily the cheapest point of entry (although S/CL600s will be there soon enough). I don’t want to say it’s a good idea, but if you can comfortably burn $3k, life’s short, do eet.
V-12 sounds like a great idea. And they do sound good. But, IIRC, they only rated like 50 hp more than the I-6 at the time, but were about twice as heavy, not to mention complicated. I recall a R&T review that posited that you could drop a dime into the engine bay of an XJ-12, and it would never reach the ground. Forewarned is forearmed.
…BMWs complexity is main reason why british housewives are making headelines
by telling the press that their Thermomixes had exploded…-
I think you’ve been clicking on too many links you might also be interested in.
I really like how the image in the lead shows the BMW possibly doing over 120MPH on what appear to be US roads where the likely speed limit is probably 45 at most (or possibly 50KMH). All while listening to one of the most popular artists of ’15 on BBC 1 and displaying the temperature in C.
From this we can conclude that the driver is a British expat who lives in San Fransisco. They have somehow been driving in Sport+ for possibly 5 hours, but have been milking the regen to get more range during their very OJ like police chase. Said chase is about to end with a horrible crash as the steering wheel is indicating straight ahead or a very sharp turn left/right with a not insubstantial bend upcoming.
We should also mention that the owner is quite forgetful as they needed to pay thousands of dollars to see both BMW an M Performance twice each on the steering wheel so they don’t forget that this isn’t their other overpriced crypto-luxury car.-
Excellent detective work. Also note that it’s 2013, if Sept 12th is on a Thursday. Myself, I couldn’t stand looking at that fluorescent shitshow for long enough to see it. You’re right, they’re going up California Highway 1 / Shoreline Highway / 19th Avenue in San Francisco, on a stretch where the speed limit is 35 mph, at an indicated 127 MPH.
Fine time to let go of the wheel, eh?-
Got to wonder if wrongness (wrongxtrem?™) has become a core principle in BMW marketing? -
Neat, never would’ve guessed that the date needed to be checked as well! 127 in a 35, egad, I’ve done worse, once.
“…they’re going up California Highway 1 / Shoreline Highway / 19th Avenue in San Francisco, on a stretch where the speed limit is 35 mph, at an indicated 127 MPH.”
Sounds about par for the course. (Maybe it’s having been cut off a half dozen times this week by M-badged porcupines that makes it seem that way? Possibly.) -
Only 90 over the limit? I really expected more.
It’s only a BMW, you can’t expect that much.
And of course there are no hands actually holding the steering wheel, because as a typical BMW driver they’re too busy talking on the phone and gesturing to actually, you know, DRIVE their ultimate mall-driving machine.
I spent the previous week in Morocco, constantly suppressing girlish screams over all the beaten-up 70-80’s French cars, the old zombie-like Mercedes taxis and so on. Nearly half the pictures in my year-old phone is from that trip, so it must be something like 400-500, with a disturbing amount of them being cars. I’m probably horrible to travel with.
Anyway, Citroën C15’s were all over the place. I had completely forgotten about their existence, didn’t even know their name and now I want one, with the optional rear-seat bench in the cargo compartment. How can something so objectively ugly be so cool?
(Yes, that out-of-focus, taken-at-speed-through-a-bus-window-picture was the best I had. I was too busy with the Renault 12’s to care about taking better ones at the time, and I regret that.)-
Neat! They have a sort of Holden Sandman charm. Not as much of a muscle machine as the Holden, though.
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