Last Call – How's This for Progress? Edition

Meets all Euro 6 emissions standards.

This is a bronze chariot from ancient Rome, as shown at the Musei Capitolini.
Clearly, the cars of Europe have stuck to tradition.

That's right Europe, you should be ashamed of yourselves. USA! USA!

Just kidding, European readers! We love you just the same. Even though that car, which let’s face it is probably Chinese, has no excuses.

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6 responses to “Last Call – How's This for Progress? Edition”

  1. Alff Avatar

    That may have been Ben Hur's chariot. Too bad we can't see the back of it. If it has an NRA bumper sticker, we'd know for sure.

    1. tonyola Avatar

      It could also have a gay Rainbow Flag and still be Ben Hur's ride. Ramon Novarro, the star of the original 1925 silent version, preferred the guys to gals.

  2. CptSevere Avatar

    Hey, the tradition lives on in places like Ogden, Utah, during the winter. I'd like to see that little car keep up with these modern day cowboy chariot racers. I've seen this in person and it's freakin' nuts. Drag racing with horses, Quarter Horses, naturally.

  3. smokyburnout Avatar

    The little car is a Town Life Helektra.

    1. bzr Avatar

      Mother of God, it IS Italian…maybe. So there are no excuses.
      Also, I couldn't help but snicker at this:

  4. gmviubodf Avatar

    QA3hai lhextonopwxr, [url=]xhmfwhzevmkl[/url], [link=]lmnlfxhylgqj[/link],