Last Call: Happy Pappy Edition

Jim’s wife must really think he’s the bee’s knees to have given him a Hummer – that is the DKW-based two-stroke single-powered small bike Harley sold in the mid-fifties. Wait, why did you think he was so happy?
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day. It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged. 
Image: Kneedraggers

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8 responses to “Last Call: Happy Pappy Edition”

  1. CraigSu Avatar

    And why does Jim have an asterisk after his name?

    1. 0A5599 Avatar

      Dunno, but there is one in the un-doctored original version, too.

    2. nanoop Avatar

      *His real name is John, but that would have put the phrase “giving a hummer” even more into a context we don’t abide in the mid-fifties.

  2. jeepjeff Avatar

    I’ll take a Yamaha YA-1 instead, thank you.

  3. smokyburnout Avatar

    I didn’t know we had another team

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      Whoah, who brought the blue truck to the red rally?

  4. Sjalabais Avatar

    This weekend’s home imrovement is a new, elevated play area in the kid’s play room, built into an old chair with a box under it. It could also serve as a spare bed for guests. So now I wonder how do I shape the 2400x600mm plate that is supposed to keep kids from falling off it? First I thought a wavy pattern would do it, now I’m a bit more ambitious:
    The stainless steel DMC might actually be the easiest to cut, but I’m a wagon man, damn it! Luxury problems, but what would YOU do?

    1. Guest Avatar

      Not really helpful, but this is what I did in my brothers room, as he wasn’t using the top bunk, and was running out of shelf space for his considerable collection: