Hooniverse Asks – What's the Worst Online Repair Video You've Ever Seen?

Repair Videos

Not all that long ago I heard a story on the radio, regarding You Tube videos. It seems that this one individual they interviewed for the story had put his kids through college with the ad revenues from his how-to video series on how to tie a tie. That kind of money stream just for demonstrating something that you already know how to do holds quite a bit of appeal. Because of its being potentially lucrative, that sort of DIY demo is now common on video sites like You Tube, extending even to the realm of automotive repair.

There’s this famous line that goes those that can, do, those that can’t teach. Unfortunately, that sometimes extends to those who attempt to school video viewers. For example, take the gentleman above – Jeff – who has a couple of videos that try and demonstrate how to change the cabin air filters in his Chevy products. It’s not so much that he’s malicious but more that he has poorly thought out the whole how-to video thing. The rawness of the admission in the second video is awesome.

Imparting information on others is an innate trait that’s hardwired into most of us- some sort of pack dominance thing, no doubt. Another common trait is the humiliation of others, and today I want you all to offer up online repair videos – automotive or otherwise – that unintentionally let us do the latter to someone who has attempted to do the former. 

Image source: YouTube

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18 responses to “Hooniverse Asks – What's the Worst Online Repair Video You've Ever Seen?”

  1. muthalovin Avatar

    I wish I would have had a camera when my dad and I were dropping the engine into the '85 Vette. We thought we could get it in with the hood up, and we almost got there. Almost. The very, very back of the engine swung just a bit, and smacked the windshield, cracking it nice and good. My dad, pretty frustrated at this point, took the mean side of a ball-peen hammer to the windshield, swearing the whole time.
    We would have had a million hits.

    1. MVEilenstein Avatar

      I'm laughing just thinking about an older guy beating the snot out of that windshield. LOL

  2. OA5599 Avatar

    [youtube J6T3duDhdAI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6T3duDhdAI youtube]

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker


  3. RobbyDeGraff Avatar

    When I was rebuilding the engine on my 82 Honda Cm 250, i came across this vehicle. Love this guy's attitude
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8k8jDzbvXI%5Byoutub… K8k8jDzbvXI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8k8jDzbvXI youtube]

  4. K5ING Avatar

    This one about removing the stereo from a Jetta. (Hint…he used the wrong tool for that unit).
    [youtube ibM-VGbTIS8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibM-VGbTIS8 youtube]

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      "ERROR" on the display is just so appropriate.

    2. BobWellington Avatar

      He's taking out the stereo with it on? What in the f.

  5. Jeff Glucker Avatar
    Jeff Glucker

    He has more subscribers to his channel than we do to TheHooniverse channel…

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      Um, there's a Hooniverse channel?

        1. dead_elvis Avatar

          You now have another subscriber.

  6. danleym Avatar

    This is currently the top search result when you google "How to use seafoam". Fast forward to the last 20 seconds for the good part.
    [youtube pRrHvySchy8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRrHvySchy8 youtube]

    1. MattC Avatar

      To be quite fair, the Seafoam process will cause the car to die. You wait 5 minutes and restart the car and you WILL have big white smoke( I mean James Bond DB4 smoke screen….) for about a mile when driving ( so do it in a deserted road or off hours so you do not piss off drivers and or neighbors). After that ,the car will return to a normal idle and typically run much better (best to change the oil shortly afterwards)

  7. Roberto G. Avatar
    Roberto G.

    [youtube fOnwQyuzQCM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOnwQyuzQCM youtube]____…the only time I tried to replace the cabin air filter in my car, I didn't know that I had to remove the metal crosspiece. One filter was badly mangled, then. So I decided to do without it, since I had 6 other cars before this one, and not one of them had a cabin air filter. And never got crabs either, or any allergy whatever. Like millions of other drivers never got any illness, before the P.C. cabin air filters were invented. No Sir, not even one sneeze, no wasps through the air vents and no leaves flying around my head. Cabin air filter is useless crap. Except for those who sell them, of course. And without cabin air filter, my A.C. is cooling even if the fan is set to #1.

    1. American Locomotive Avatar
      American Locomotive

      I see you've never had to clean out a heaterbox full of dirt, mud and leaves before. I <3 cabin air filters.

  8. smokyburnout Avatar

    Not technically a repair, but it was filmed in a garage.
    [youtube xWx_hPHHlLE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWx_hPHHlLE youtube]

  9. texlenin Avatar

    The one SpeedyCop never released, showing that eight-wheeled
    badonkadonk moving under it's own power……..