Hooniverse Asks: What's the Cheesiest Aftermarket Interior Accessory You Swear by?

Steering Wheel Cover 11
Look, I will admit, I have a steering wheel cover on my daily driver. It’s not as fetching as the colorful example above, but it does its job. That job is to stand between my hands and the simply awful texture that the 11-year old factory leather on the wheel beneath has taken on.
The accessories aisle at your local Pep Boys or Walmarts is plumb full of such odes to the odious, and while many of us may not like to admit it, we’re happy adherents to their use. It might be a sheepskin seatbelt snood or that evergreen accessory, the evergreen air freshener, but for some reason we abide their siren’s call.
Whatever is your secret shame of an interior accessory, now’s the time to unburden yourself of that ignominy and let everyone else know how your roll. What is the cheesiest interior accessory that you wouldn’t go without?
Image: CornerWindowCrafts

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  1. Fred Talmadge Avatar
    Fred Talmadge

    Cheap seat covers, that and some foam made my old truck a lot nicer to ride in.

  2. Tanshanomi Avatar

    The ingenious seat-back trash bag. We have two of these from Case Logic.

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      I have a perfectly good passenger side footwell in both cars.

  3. Tanshanomi Avatar

    Unicorn Alert!
    This morning I street-spotted my first ever Caravan Blacktop.
    The package has been available for four years (2013–16); I have to wonder what the take rate is on these.

    1. pj134 Avatar

      Huh, I’ve seen them before just didn’t realize they were special. I think if they want my attention on their special editions we need a Grand Caravan SRT8/Hellcat done up Grand Cherokee style.

      1. Tanshanomi Avatar

        They’re only special in that I’ve never been able to check it off my spotter’s list until today. But I live in Pickup Alley.

        1. Sjalabais Avatar

          Do you have an actual spotter’s list? What else is blank?

          1. Tanshanomi Avatar

            Not a written one, just a mental one.

    2. dukeisduke Avatar

      And the package is only $395 list. Cheep!

  4. marmer Avatar

    Leather steering wheel cover in my 2003 Town and Country van. The factory plastic steering wheel is as nasty as the rest of the plastics in that Daimler Chrysler de-contented interior.

    1. Kiefmo Avatar

      The old Becker just spits it back out.
      It might need repair.

      1. Fred Talmadge Avatar
        Fred Talmadge

        Some cheap adapters would get my deck to auto reverse.

        1. Frank T. Cat Avatar
          Frank T. Cat

          pull the adapter apart and take the gear connecting the two tape reels apart if your deck just auto reverses constantly.

    2. Sjalabais Avatar

      Amazing that you should post this today. I found a floppy at work containing som valuable geodata from 2003. To my amazement, I tracked down an USB floppy reader (!), but the magnetic magic had apparently long left the building.
      Keeping old tech alive falls squarely outside “cheesy” in my world though.

      1. roguetoaster Avatar

        The DLT drive goes ka-chunk in your general direction.

        1. Sjalabais Avatar

          Got to say, I was so looking forward to that sound I hadn’t heard in maybe 15 years or more. But…what a disappointment when there’s no tall tower for the ka-chunk to resonate in.

      2. Frank T. Cat Avatar
        Frank T. Cat

        Floppy disks a terrible long-term storage medium. Even boxes of brand new disks have bad sectors on them and go bad within a year or two.

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      At least the fuzzy wheel cover is inside the car, invisible to the rest of us; and who doesn’t like cheese?
      Don’t inflict these on everyone in sight.

  5. KMNTR Avatar

    ventilated seat cushion and a little fan that plugs into the cigarette lighter

  6. 0A5599 Avatar