Hey, guess what day it is! That’s right, it’s April Fools Day, the greatest holiday of the year. Today is the day we get to cellophane wrap the toilet, fill hair driers full of baby powder, and toss rattlesnakes and scorpions into our roommate’s bed while he’s sleeping. And oh the face penises, I am so looking forward to seeing all of those.
And of course when it comes to oh-four slash oh-one hijinks, no venue is safe, not even the car. Shrink wrapping is a popular prank, as is the old chaining the back axle to a lamp post. That’s a particularly spectacular prank, so make sure to have a good sized audience when you pull it off. Also, you might want to do it to someone whose friendship with you is already a little shaky.
Are you planning to pull any April Fools pranks on your friends, family, or co-workers? Will it involve their car or truck? What do you think would be the most diabolical April 1 car prank one could pull off?
Image source: funnybits
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