Hooniverse Asks- What's The Best Car-Related April Fools Prank?


Hey, guess what day it is! That’s right, it’s April Fools Day, the greatest holiday of the year. Today is the day we get to cellophane wrap the toilet, fill hair driers full of baby powder, and toss rattlesnakes and scorpions into our roommate’s bed while he’s sleeping. And oh the face penises, I am so looking forward to seeing all of those.

And of course when it comes to oh-four slash oh-one hijinks, no venue is safe, not even the car. Shrink wrapping is a popular prank, as is the old chaining the back axle to a lamp post. That’s a particularly spectacular prank, so make sure to have a good sized audience when you pull it off. Also, you might want to do it to someone whose friendship with you is already a little shaky.

Are you planning to pull any April Fools pranks on your friends, family, or co-workers? Will it involve their car or truck? What do you think would be the most diabolical April 1 car prank one could pull off?

Image source: funnybits

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71 responses to “Hooniverse Asks- What's The Best Car-Related April Fools Prank?”

  1. IronBallsMcG Avatar

    I hate April Fools.

    1. calzonegolem Avatar

      Same. I react poorly to pranks.

      1. Irishzombieman Avatar

        I react poorly to lame pranks.
        Good ones, though, ones with a lot of planning and creativity involved, ones soaked in absurdity and clever humour, I almost feel honored to be the victim of. Like I'm an unwitting canvas for a really good painting.

  2. SSurfer321 Avatar

    grease under the door handle
    potato(e?) in the tailpipe
    if ragtop, turn all accessories/radio up to max

  3. $kaycog Avatar

    Filling a car with tennis balls, if ya' got a lot of balls.
    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xqXcyNiUUH8/Tn-6UtemzHI/AAAAAAAAMw8/v97Sbc-IYQw/s1600/tennis-balls-comp.jpg"width="500"/&gt;

    1. Irishzombieman ✰ Avatar
      Irishzombieman ✰

      I filled a guy's car with beachball-sized weather balloons once. Stuck them in through the crack of the open windows and blew them up with an air compressor, then pushed them around with a broomstick until the car was absolutely filled. HA HA! Funny.
      He got the last laugh, though, when he told our circle of friends that he was allergic to latex and now had to sell his car because of the joke. I felt really horrible. Until he started laughing at me.

      1. $kaycog Avatar

        What you did was funny, and what he did was even funnier.

    2. P161911 Avatar

      When I worked as a co-op student for Dow Chemical, part of the orientation was a tour of the Saran Wrap plant, every co-op got this tour and a free roll of Saran Wrap. One night a few of use decided to completely wrap someones car. Everybody had a roll of Saran Wrap to bring.

      1. $kaycog Avatar

        I've never seen that done, but it sounds like a fun prank to pull.

      2. SSurfer321 Avatar

        I've covered a supervisor's truck with Post-It notes.

      3. Irishzombieman Avatar

        In college some folks did a guy's Jeep Wrangler in aluminum foil. Expensive, but dang it looked great.

      4. dead_elvis Avatar

        Did it to one of our seasonal temps when I worked for a winery. During crush (harvest), 18 hour days are pretty common. Always a nice treat to have to unwrap your car at midnight before driving home.
        <img src="https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2764/4257139675_6aaab15a8f_z.jpg?zz=1&quot; width="640" height="480" alt="PIC00036">
        Note – we didn't hire zombies, but those hours have that effect after 4 weeks of 18 hours/day, 6 day work weeks. (And it's a total rush.)

    3. Batshitbox Avatar

      One time we filled up my pal's Microbus with cord wood! Ha-larious! Took 'im all winter to clear it out but he never did have to go buy firewood that winter so he didn't need the bus. Not really 'till next Thanksgiving when we went to see Alice (remember Alice? there's a song…)
      <img src="http://robertwalls.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/vw.jpg?w=500&h=355"&gt;

      1. $kaycog Avatar

        I wood strangle whoever did that to me.

        1. Irishzombieman Avatar

          I wood knot. I'd toss 'em in the trunk and leaf 'em there.

          1. $kaycog Avatar

            That certainly woodn't endanger his life and limb, but he'd probably get pretty board in the trunk.

          2. Irishzombieman Avatar

            He'd be oakay, I think, though he might've bruised his palms banging on the trunk.

            Ever notice how many pun runs tend to be wood related?

          3. $kaycog Avatar

            His bark is probably worse than his bite, but he will make an ash of himself.
            Yes, but wood is good.

          4. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
            mr. mzs zsm msz esq

            Eh, the sap deserved it.

          5. tiberiusẅisë Avatar

            How old are these jokes? We'll have to count the rings to find out.

          6. Number_Six Avatar

            What are you talking about? Arborial puns are very poplar and evergreen as well.

          7. Irishzombieman Avatar

            Yew go ahead and count 'em.

          8. kvnkiley Avatar

            god this crappy puns are painful to read… flamesuit on.

          9. Devin Avatar

            Quit yer Birchin'.

          10. kvnkiley Avatar

            your a wordsmith, sir. truly, a poet.

          11. Irishzombieman Avatar

            Trying to come up with a witty response, but my blood caffeine level has dropped below operating thresholds.
            Alas, I am stumped.

          12. Number_Six Avatar

            Poor sap, low caffeine levels can really hack away at one's veneer of enthusiasm.

          13. Irishzombieman Avatar

            Sap? Bah! Man, with fronds like you, who needs evergreens?

          14. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
            mr. mzs zsm msz esq

            That's bananas!

          15. Alff Avatar

            They must be stick puppets.

  4. OA5599 Avatar

    Parking a GT with a big red bow in front of $kaycog's house.

    1. $kaycog Avatar

      Just do it!!

      1. OA5599 Avatar

        It's there now. Keys are under the mat. Go check now before somebody drives off in it.

        1. $kaycog Avatar

          Damn…………too late. 🙁

        2. Irishzombieman Avatar

          WOOHOO! Free GT!

        3. Sjalabais Avatar

          Please add a button "enrol".

  5. JayP2112 Avatar

    To paraphrase Vincent Vega- Don't mess with another man's car.
    The tailgate sign is alright though. Wish I'd thought of it.

  6. JayP2112 Avatar

    I may have told this before…
    A pal was working at a lawnmower repair shop for summer. He'd rebuilt one and wanted to show off his handy work to the guys. One of the other guys had drained the gas or loosened the plug from it so it'd never start. Everyone got their laughs except my pal. Pissed, he waited for everyone to leave and he got into the truck of the prankster. Pulled the spark plug lines out of the engine.
    Later, that guy got in the truck and drove off- with my pal holding the lines in his hand. He told me this and when I asked what truck it was I knew how that engine fired- it was a twin plug 4 in the Ranger. Ran rough but it ran. Oh- truck guy was really pissed.

  7. P161911 Avatar

    When the car is parked, jack up the drive wheels about 1/4" off the ground.
    Put someone's car up for sale at an absurdly low price.
    I have pranked a couple of vehicles as part of weddings, but not for April Fools. The first a friend left his truck parked by the road at his house, I wrote "Fer Sell" on the windows in white shoe polish. The second one I had prepared for for a few months, my fiend borrowed my truck one day, so we just swapped keys. I made a copy of his car key in preparation for the wedding. I found out the night before the wedding they would be using his bride's car. Time for plan B. Replace the stock hubcaps on her Sentra with a very close copy $9.99/set version from Wal-mart painted neon pink. They thought we painted the original hubcaps until they found them in the trunk. We (the other members of the wedding party) thought about rolling down the windows and pulling the power window fuses, but figured that would be too cruel, considering it was December, raining, and about 35 degrees.

  8. muthalovin Avatar

    Whilst riding with buddies, stop at a stop light, point at something so buddy turns head, yank their keys out of the ignition and throw it on the ground, and ride away.
    Being the victim of this prank is horrible, and results in blind rage. It is not funny. At all.

    1. Irishzombieman ✰ Avatar
      Irishzombieman ✰

      At least he didn't take the keys with him.

  9. Irishzombieman ✰ Avatar
    Irishzombieman ✰

    In 1995, the uptight engineering intern at the cannery I worked for had the horn of his truck wired, at different times, to his starter, his turn signals, and his brake lights. I may've had something to do with that.

  10. Batshitbox Avatar

    The classic "Stuffing a VW between two trees"
    <img src="http://ww3.foundshit.com/pictures/cars/parallel-parking-02.jpg"&gt;
    Maybe more cliche than classic.
    How 'bout a Pharaohs Special? (Yeah, I know, Myth Busted)
    [youtube CgZTVkjQwto http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgZTVkjQwto youtube]

  11. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
    Peter Tanshanomi

    <img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mOTj_jiPQyI/TZZZ4V7o86I/AAAAAAAEOH4/8Szyv2NBgqw/s1600/2012-Dodge-Charger_02.JPG&quot; width=" 500''>
    The Dodge Charger TBi was, IMHO, perfect. Just plausible enough to suck you in. And by "you," I mean "me."

    1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      <img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mOTj_jiPQyI/TZZZ4V7o86I/AAAAAAAEOH4/8Szyv2NBgqw/s1600/2012-Dodge-Charger_02.JPG&quot; width=" 500">
      The Dodge Charger TBi was, IMHO, perfect. Just plausible enough to suck you in. And by "you," I mean "me." http://www.carscoops.com/2011/04/new-dodge-charge

    2. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      The first version of this comment is somehow jacked up. My comment didn't show up and I can't delete it…and if you notice, EVERY comment after this is formatted like a reply to it, even though they're not!

      1. Vairship Avatar

        You're just doing this for the glorious extra points aren't you?

        1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
          Peter Tanshanomi

          Unfortunately, it's not assigning me anything extra.

  12. Number_Six Avatar

    This came out April 1st, right?
    <img src="http://images.businessweek.com/ss/09/02/0206_bangle/image/slide-5.jpg&quot; width=500>
    Picasso Bum – A woman whose knickers are too small for her, so she looks like she's got 4 buttocks.

  13. Alff Avatar

    One April Fool's Day many years ago, my mother had to leave home early for ladies' golf and luncheon at the country club. Knowing that she'd be running late and would not have time to deal with it, I took the opportunity to turn her triple-black Chevy Caprice into a lowrider by loading the trunk with sandbags and decorating the interior with mexican blankets, sombreros over the front seat backs, Christmas ornaments tucked into the edges of the headliner and a stuffed doggie on the package tray.

    1. Number_Six Avatar

      Your poor mother! I hope she fed you a handful of hot gravel for supper.

      1. Alff Avatar

        She told me she parked as far from the clubhouse as she could.

  14. Devin Avatar

    This wasn't April Fools, in fact, it was November, and it was only tangentially related to cars.
    So I knew this girl who was afraid of spiders. I was working in a place that had easy access to fake spiders. So, I took a fake spider, and taped it to her door lock right before she quit for the day. She was quite surprised.
    Otherwise, April Fools is dumb.

  15. Scandinavian Flick ★ Avatar
    Scandinavian Flick ★

    Off topic: Anyone else see the press release from Subaru announcing the AWD Twin-Turbo Convertible two-seater Diesel Hybrid BRZ?
    "Cherry Hill, N.J., – Bowing to continued media and internet speculation, Subaru of America has confirmed that it will launch an AWD Twin-Turbo Convertible two-seater Diesel Hybrid BRZ for sale in 2015. The new model essentially takes all of the media and internet rumors surrounding the highly successful BRZ sports car and delivers them in one fell swoop."

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      This was excellent, thanks for sharing! Every car company should do that, to tickle out some recognition of them reading the Hooniverse. =8^)
      Here is Volvo's take: https://www.media.volvocars.com/global/enhanced/e

    2. Vairship Avatar

      I'm pretty sure it'll be an AWD Twin-Turbo Convertible two-seater Diesel Hybrid BRZ shooting brake…

  16. BobWellington Avatar

    Putting a human body in the trunk of someone's car.

  17. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
    mr. mzs zsm msz esq

    Hmm not enough water… So today is not only April Fool's, it's also lany poniedzialek – wet Monday. Polish tradition, difficult to explain, but basically I have to get my wife wet somehow. Any ideas? I am picking her up from the airport in the evening.
    edit: that's bizarre, I thought it would be a new comment, not a reply… sorry about that T.

    1. Alff Avatar

      …must resist urge to make rude comment…
      Happy Ponedzialek! I wish we observed that tradition around our house. Sounds like fun, 'til someone gets mad.

  18. GregKachadurian Avatar

    A friend once taped this to my right-side door mirror.
    <img src="http://i1.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/-1/lens18620849_1320353612crazycage.jpg"&gt;
    Since I noticed it while backing up, I was able to remove it before going on the freeway. I like the non-destructive pranks like that, because you never mess with another man/woman's car or belongings in general.

  19. topdeadcentre Avatar

    When Hot Rod magazine posted an article trumpeting the news of the restart of AMC, complete with concept car drawings…
    <img src="http://www.hotrod.com/featuredvehicles/hrdp_0804_amc_concept_cars/photo_02.jpg"&gt; <a href="http://www.hotrod.com/featuredvehicles/hrdp_0804_amc_concept_cars/viewall.html” target=”_blank”>http://www.hotrod.com/featuredvehicles/hrdp_0804_amc_concept_cars/viewall.html

  20. P161911 Avatar

    I'm still convinced this was an April Fool's prank that got carried way too far.
    <img src="http://www.thetorquereport.com/2011_nissan_murano_crosscabriolet_off.jpg"width=500&gt;
    I think the original review came out in the April issues of the car mags. It was a while before I realized it was a real vehicle.

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      Is the exhaust actually dropping water in this pic? And I always expect this:
      <img src="http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/9798/muranoo.jpg&quot; width="600">

  21. Tim Odell Avatar
    Tim Odell

    We announced our pay rates for writers a few years ago on April 1st.
    They were a joke…well…not like hahah funny joke, but…
    …man, we need to start paying people better.

  22. BlackIce_GTS Avatar

    AutoZine's joke newses are usually pretty funny. Although last year's sounded like a genuinely good idea.

  23. R.L. Elliott Avatar
    R.L. Elliott

    I announced my retirement via an email on April 1st…everyone thought that it was a joke….HA! HA! HA!..but it's NOT!!!! 🙂

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