False Neutral: The Hooniverse Motorcycle Podcast Arrives!


The new motorcycle-centric member of the Hooniverse Podcast Network is here! Your hosts Tanshanomi and Eric Trytko are joined by Garrett from Vancouver (the first of our Podcast Star Search victims prospects) for our debut episode. We start out by getting to know each other through our riding background and preferences:

  1. How did you get into motorcycling and who were your mentors?
  2. What motorcycle features are must-haves and which are deal-breakers?
  3. How much work on your bikes do you do yourself?

False Neutral – You Gotta Start Somewhere

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8 responses to “False Neutral: The Hooniverse Motorcycle Podcast Arrives!”

  1. Rover 1 Avatar
    Rover 1

    So now I can put the right voice to the names. Good article.

  2. Fuhrman16 Avatar

    Could someone explain what the name of this podcast means? It sounds like a good show otherwise!

    1. Garrett Michael Avatar
      Garrett Michael

      False neutrals are a motorcycling phenomena of being in between two forward gears where no proper neutral exists. They suck, which is ironic, because this podcast clearly doesn’t 😉

  3. Maymar Avatar

    I’ll admit, I don’t need to flat-foot both feet (I’m perfectly happy with just my left foot down), but I still like a lower seat height, being somewhat challenged of inseam. I don’t love cruisers, but although I roughly agree with Tanshanomi’s 2.5 bike-rider weight ratio, the lower CG definitely helps. Something like a Harley Sportster or Indian Scout comes in at a little over 2.5 times my weight, but still doesn’t feel unmanagably heavy (although I’d still prefer something lighter). Mind you, a sub-300lbs dual sport is plenty fun, and not so intimidating once I can accept that it’s perfectly okay to use the pegs to give myself a boost getting on.

  4. Mitch Horner Avatar
    Mitch Horner

    Great Start guys, Tanshanomi I as well live in the KCMO area would love to pick your brains on great riding roads around here.

  5. Car_Door Avatar

    Can’t wait for More!

  6. jeepjeff Avatar

    (deleted, wrong article)