Pete, Eric and Garrett are all in attendance this week. After we discuss the current (and prospective) contents of our garages, we explore motorcycle graphics in response to a listener suggestion: production paint schemes, factory race liveries, and various motorcycle makers’ iconic graphic signatures. This episode is on the shorter side for us, but with the overwhelming number of motorcycles we talk about, I thought it best to split it; there are nearly twenty photos of bikes below as it is, and that was a conservative listing! This week we concentrate mostly on Japanese sport bikes and dirt bikes, before moving to European bikes and cruisers next week.
As mentioned in the podcast, be sure to check out the super-duper awesome “I ♥ Sundown Stripes” Facebook group.
My 2010 Hooniverse obituary for Molly Sanders can be found here: Molly Sanders: The guy who programmed your brain
False Neutral – Bold New Graphics! Part 1
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Except where noted in the captions, images are standard press kit/website photos used courtesy of the respective manufacturers.

(Photographer unknown)

(Photo from Craigslist)

(Image courtesy

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