Craigslist Crapshoot

The World’s Worst Car Is For Sale On Craigslist
Welcome to Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly search for the most bizarre, awesome, and/or terrible vehicles that the online classifieds has to offer. 
Garageable Camper may sound like a contradiction in terms, but it’s an idea that actually exists. Last week we went looking for something that could be a home-away-from-home, and could also fit in an average home’s garage. We’ll see the best way to house a house in just a sec, but first this week’s quixotic quest.
Pony cars from the mid-to-late ’70s are a rare breed. Mustang IIs and Monzas weren’t the most compelling horses out there, and while both the Camaro and Firebird tried to keep the performance flame alive, there wasn’t much they could do in light of ever-tightening emissions and fuel economy requirements. Many of the ponies from that era have been turned into drag cars, which is all fine and dandy if that’s your bag. What we want to see this week are the best examples of mid to late ’70s pony cars that haven’t been dragged to their doom. Price will be no object.
As always, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Since we’ve changed commenting systems, you may need to update your commenter account. Make sure you have a Disqus account – they’re free and easy to get – and then comment away.

Got that? Good, now let’s go camping.

Garageable seems to be an ambiguous term, however some of the ads found last week did fit the letter of the law. Of course a few of those, like the World’s Most Expensive Westie found by Salguod, and the petri dish masquerading as a VW Bus camper turned up by dukeisduke had their own issues. Perhaps the most amazing ad was the one for the “former brothel” motorhome, offered up by Gryphon68. I sure hope that guy’s dad sees the Craigslist listing and knows to avoid Clingy McForgivy.
For our winner however, we sought to toe the line with the original conscript which was to be able to fit in your average garage. That feat, and the week’s top honor, goes to the ’49 Buick Super Camper conversion and GTXcellent, respectively. You will absolutely need that garage space to get the car up and road-worthy, and to clean out what appear to be all the dryer sheets, or perhaps tissues, the purpose of which in a secretive space I don’t even want to consider.
Congrats to GTXcellet, and thank you all for making me a happy camper.
1949 Buick Camper

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41 responses to “Craigslist Crapshoot”

  1. acarr260 Avatar

    How about a ’73 Duster? Bring your own engine, cuz like your stoner uncle, this one’s a roller.

  2. The Real Number_Six Avatar
    The Real Number_Six

    I know the rules said “Pony Car” but TL;DR because it’s too good to ignore. 1975 Triumph Spitfire with a 400 small block.
    This little non-sequitur is amazing: “tranny is the best of everything”.

    1. mdharrell Avatar

      What kind of irredeemable idiot would get ahold of a little red right-hand drive British car only to turn it into a race car that’s sporting, of all things, a trailer hitch?
      By the way, I’m headed to Arizona tomorrow to race my former MG Metro in LeMons this weekend.

      1. The Real Number_Six Avatar
        The Real Number_Six

        Because race car?

    2. Vairship Avatar

      To be exact, the rules said: What we want to see this week are the best examples of mid to late ’70s pony cars that haven’t been dragged to their doom.
      Unfortunately I am unable to find any on Craigslist…
      By Charles01 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

    3. Rover 1 Avatar
      Rover 1

      “tranny is the best of everything”.
      And there are websites devoted to this on the web, but I never thought I’d see it promoted on Hooniverse.
      Still we are in the 21st century. 🙂

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      The ’80s called, and it wants its seat covers back.

      1. mdharrell Avatar

        I’m pretty sure even the ’80s wouldn’t want them back at this point.

    2. Inliner Avatar

      Always thought those wheels were only available on Hot Wheels of the 90s.

  3. Kiefmo Avatar

    The seller of this ’77 Mustang II Cobra is among the worst photographers I’ve ever seen, being unable to get a simple side or 3/4 shot,
    But from the photos he does have and the description, it looks the business, and I’ll bet it runs like a violated simian.

    1. SawdustTX Avatar

      yea I know Mustang II’s are ridiculed in the car community, but I’ve always liked the Cobra II.

    2. dead_elvis Avatar

      You must be new to Craigslist if the pix in that ad are the worst you’ve seen. Adding to its unicorn-like status, it has suspiciously high levels of readability & informational content, with Just a whiff Of arbitrary Capitalization and mis-spelling. Gotta be a scam!

      1. Kiefmo Avatar

        There’s a curve that applies based on asking price. For a $1500 car, this would be a fantastically complete set of photos.
        For $10k, this is on the low end of acceptable.

        1. dead_elvis Avatar

          Man’s busy building a Mustang II, can’t be bothered with a new hobby like photographin’ shit.

  4. Andrew_theS2kBore Avatar

    The snark machine was all warmed up and ready, and then I found this:
    And then I found this, and balance was restored:
    Full confession, I actually quite like the look of the first Avanti. I can only assume the second gen facelift came from the consulting firm of Mr. Dali and Mr. Charles.

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      You could have warned us about the interior.

      1. Andrew_theS2kBore Avatar

        In my defense, the interior might be the least offensive thing about it.

        1. mdharrell Avatar

          The windshield wiper motor is fairly unobjectionable.

    2. dead_elvis Avatar

      I like how there’s absolutely no mention made of paint in the Mach I ad, and in most of the photos, it appears to be a bad black repaint, while in the final shot it wears a stunning metallic green.

  5. Citric Avatar

    Since nice things are too nice for Crapshoot (Hence not going with this Mach 1) he’s a ’73 Charger that “Needs restored.”$_27.JPG

  6. Guest Avatar

    There is only one:$_27.JPG

    Seriously, though, it is the only one (I can find in Canada).

    And of course it’s a less desireable ’79 with horrible pictures.

    I sure hope this drought is because the others are in storage, and not because they have disappeared.

    1. mdharrell Avatar

      It is difficult to believe without seeing for oneself, but you actually posted what may be the best photo in the ad. What’s even worse is that there are eight other photos.

    2. dukeisduke Avatar

      I saw a nice pristine pre-’79 yesterday, on my way home. The guy even had the a/c on.

  7. Cool_Cadillac_Cat Avatar

    Oh, yeah. Malaise ‘muscle’.
    Clear ‘hidey’ headlamps, T-tops, a super-smogged 360 and all!

      1. Cool_Cadillac_Cat Avatar

        Probably still runs as well as it ever did, though.
        I mean, you set the bar low enough….

      2. dukeisduke Avatar

        I’ve seen worse than that before. Years ago I helped a guy pull apart a Pontiac 400, that had hardened sludge all the way to the tops of the pushrods – the pushrods ran in grooves in the sludge. Also massive sludge in the tops of the heads, and channels in the rocker arms marking the oil flow around them. Unreal.

  8. gerberbaby Avatar

    The bandit has to be the lowest hanging fruit amirite? This seems to be the crapshoot with the worst pics ever. This one is the only one that isn’t blurry.

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      A ’79 WS6, without t-tops? Come to papa!

  9. salguod Avatar

    Lots of worthy ponies.
    Very nice looking ’74 Camaro, with a serious $21K price:

  10. salguod Avatar

    Not very muscular, but wow does this ’78 Type LT look nice. For $6K too.

  11. salguod Avatar
  12. salguod Avatar

    Not a pony car, but dang, it’s a Super Coupe! A very tired Super Coupe, though.

  13. salguod Avatar

    Totally off topic. but way too crappy not to share. ’77 Bonneville custom convertible project for $3K.

    1. CraigSu Avatar

      “The car has several dents from being in storage…” I thought you put cars in storage to prevent these things. With that paint color it appears the body is made entirely of medium density fiberboard anyway.

  14. Mr. Ollivander Avatar
    Mr. Ollivander

    This Skylark has promise at $3.5K. It looks as though it ran into something and pushed the front bumper and there’s no images of the interior.

  15. Inliner Avatar

    A really nice Mustang II Ghia, asking $9k certified, and $8k as is, so perhaps it’s not as nice as it claims…

    1. Inliner Avatar

      To bring some crap back into the crapshoot, a 4-cylinder Mustang II with a cherry backseat and needing unspecified work…