Craigslist Crapshoot

The World’s Worst Car Is For Sale On Craigslist
Welcome to Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly search for the most bizarre, awesome, and/or terrible vehicles that the online classifieds has to offer. 
Accidentally putting in the wrong ingredient—say salt instead of sugar—can ruin your recipe. Likewise, checking the wrong engine on the options box can also ruin a car. That’s what we looked for last week: great cars for sale, that are spoilt by having the wrong engine under their hoods. We’ll see who’s most wrong in a sec, but first, let’s see everything that’s right with this week’s quest.
I’ve been feeling a bit of wanderlust of late. Maybe it’s having been cooped up all winter, or maybe it’s getting too close to tax time and I just wanna’ get away. Whatever the reason, let’s all see if we can get away and that means campers. The thing of it is, we’ll eventually want to come back home and when we do, we’ll want to garage that camper, so let’s find ones that can do that too!
As always, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Since we’ve changed commenting systems, you may need to update your commenter account. Make sure you have a Disqus account – they’re free and easy to get – and then comment away.

Got that? Good, now let’s be wrong.

Rod Stewart once sang that if loving you is wrong, then I don’t want to be right. You all found a lot of wrong engines in the right cars last week, and ones like the MR2 weirdly switched to a V6 found by Andrew_theS2kBore and Fiat 500 (real one) powered by a Subaru “air craft” engine uncovered by OA5599 proved to be real head scratchers.
Our winner however, of the wrongest engine—and this is on many levels—is this Triumph Spitfire with a Buick V8 located by salguod. That engine probably weighs as much as the rest of the car, and inexplicably has a COBRA aircleaner atop it. Like I said, weird.
Congrats to salguod, and thanks to all of you for your contributions. Now, let’s go make me a happy camper.
65' Triumph Spitfire w/ rare 64' 300ci Buick v8 engine swap

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75 responses to “Craigslist Crapshoot”

  1. dukeisduke Avatar

    Okay, so it needs a little work, and it’s all the way up in Arkansas. $1200:

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      Ambitious pricing for that pile of rust & mold & maybe some Hantavirus, if you’re lucky.

      1. outback_ute Avatar

        Obviously you are not familiar with the prices these VW’s go for, they are pretty insane

        1. dead_elvis Avatar

          I’ve been out of the ACVW world for 15+ years, but a rotted breadloaf T2 still doesn’t command anywhere near the crazy prices of early splitwindow-flavored piles of rust.

          1. outback_ute Avatar

            Obviously not the same $$$ as the splitties, but still insane for what they are compared to other vans because they are the fall-back option for all those priced out of splitties.

  2. smalleyxb122 Avatar

    This is a trailer instead of an RV, but it deserves inclusion.

    1. dukeisduke Avatar


    2. mrh1965 Avatar

      “would be willing to barter for anything”
      I’m guessing marijuana would be acceptable.

      1. Kyle Allen Avatar

        Marijuana is ALWAYS acceptable!!!!!!

    3. GTXcellent Avatar

      HS gf

    4. Surfer Sandman Avatar
      Surfer Sandman

      Won’t fit in a garage though.

  3. mrh1965 Avatar

    One Badass van. I want!

    1. smalleyxb122 Avatar

      I want this van or, preferably, a much cheaper facsimile. It’s not that I question its worth, I just don’t have that much.

      1. JayP Avatar

        $30k isn’t bad but it’s 2WD…

        1. dukeisduke Avatar

          It needs to be 4WD, but the spice rack (looks like an assortment of McCormick grilling spices) is definitely badass.

      2. 0A5599 Avatar

        You could probably talk the seller out of the domain name, then resell it to recoup some cash.

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      The true crapshoot spirit has revealed itself.

    2. dukeisduke Avatar

      That is awesome.

    3. Muthalovin Avatar

      If Graverobber ever decides to change the lead Craigslist Crapshoot image, this has to be it.

    4. Alff Avatar

      That pile of Kleenex is … disconcerting.

      1. salguod Avatar

        Which one?

    5. mad_science Avatar
  4. Sjalabais Avatar

    Garageable camper makes for a strict selection. Here’s for offroading included:
    A 1964 Volvo Felt with only 14500km. Due to quite some rust, price is as low as 3000$, which is good for a non-canvas (i.e. solid) Felt.
    Also, from the land of incompetent photography, a 2002 204hp Volvo S80 ambulance:
    Also priced at 3000$, the mileage is a bit high at 280000km, but I’d expect it to have been well-maintained. A very quick and solid potential camper.

    1. Jofes2 Avatar

      I will never quite understand ambulance-to-camper conversions though. Who wants to spend their vacation in a car people have puked and bled to death in?

      1. dead_elvis Avatar

        Would you prefer a hearse-to-camper conversion? No puking or bleeding by most of the prior occupants, most likely.

      2. Sjalabais Avatar

        Oh, I wouldn’t think too much about that*.
        *I drive a used van and know firsthand what kind of grotesque fluid producers small kids are.

    1. BigRedCaveTroll Avatar

      Or you could go for the creepy version.

  5. mdharrell Avatar

    Here’s an Econoline Travel Wagon with an all-aluminum pop-top. Of course one’s garage will still have to be tall enough to accommodate the luggage rack.

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      You’re gonna need some of this to slow down the advance of the “patina”:

      1. BigRedCaveTroll Avatar

        “The rust is INSIDE the car?”
        My dad tried using something like that on his Dakota when it started getting rust problems. It would stop it for a while, but then it would come back with a vengeance. Eventually it was figured out that the rust was actually coming through the fender from the inside out.

      2. dead_elvis Avatar

        Seems like too little, too late.

  6. mdharrell Avatar

    I’d be happier with a current photo in the listing instead of an article from Popular Mechanics, but a new-in-box Quickie Camper for $700 actually seems like an okay price for anyone who already has the requisite garageable small pickup:

    1. Vairship Avatar

      A plywood tent floor provides security from vampires? I thought only a wood stake would do that? But then again, you guys near Forks must know what you’re talking about…

  7. Wayne Moyer Avatar
    Wayne Moyer

    Let’s go really old school with a nice 1972 camper that looks like it hasn’t been updated since 1972.

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      You’re overlooking those fancy OCC decals!

      1. Wayne Moyer Avatar
        Wayne Moyer

        Well they have the color right to go with it.

  8. Wind Advisory Avatar
    Wind Advisory

    If you haven’t watched this 1974 Beetle camper road test it s worth a look 🙂

  9. Sjalabais Avatar

    The underpowered Barkas has a big spot reserved in my heart. And whatdoyouknow, somebody made an actual camper out of one:$_20.JPG
    So that’s 5400$ for a big slap of green awesomeness.
    Alternatively, you can go for a standard window van or the box. That would be 2800 or 3300$:$_20.JPG$_20.JPG

    1. coolherc Avatar

      Hey… you guys needa lift?

  10. Wayne Moyer Avatar
    Wayne Moyer

    I have a sweet spot for Ultravans. They are Corvair powered and weigh about as much as a modern Dodge Caravan. Which is impressive for an RV that sleeps two. There was a later version which had a lot more power as well but it’s the classic Corvair pancake motor that is better known.
    They had unibody construction and incredibly thin floors. Not to mention that it also smiles at you when you look at it head on.
    There are several for sale here.

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      Wow, you may have a found a cure for my RV allergy.

      1. CraigSu Avatar

        Well, it does resemble a pill…or a suppository, depending on your point of view.

      2. Wayne Moyer Avatar
        Wayne Moyer

        It even has a drivers seat that rotates around. You know for that Corvair safety touch.
        I am deadly serious that I will own one of these.

        1. Sjalabais Avatar

          The Corvair is a killer for puns and ridicule, it seems. I’m just too easily deceived by good looks…

    2. dukeisduke Avatar

      There’s a chapter within CORSA just for UltraVan owners, and usually, several of them show up for the conventions.

      1. Wayne Moyer Avatar
        Wayne Moyer

        I got to see one at the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix.

    3. Dabidoh_Sambone Avatar

      The Ultravan’s midget sibling from a 2-stroke Swedish mother (Saab):

      1. Wayne Moyer Avatar
        Wayne Moyer

        What is that?

        1. mdharrell Avatar

          It’s one of these:

          The red one, however, is powered by a V4 instead of a two-stroke.

  11. 0A5599 Avatar

    Aztek with tent will have you camping in style. Not a popular style, but who cares what other people think?

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      I remember those. Too bad the tent didn’t cover the whole thing, so other campers wouldn’t have to look at it.

  12. Jofes2 Avatar

    This is stretching the definition of garagable but if you do have a big garage, it doesn’t matter if the end wall is leaning in a little. Or, if you buy several of them, you can stack them efficiently by putting every other one upside down.
    Besides, it’s a Laserhome. Like a home, but with laser.

    1. GTXcellent Avatar

      He tells you right in the ad that it’s bitchin – what more do want or need?

    2. mdharrell Avatar

      This is a bad idea. Although the ad indicates it has a “tow hitch front and rear” the seller is suspiciously silent about whether the top, bottom, and sides are similarly equipped.

    3. CraigSu Avatar

      The tree growing out of the roof is the deal killer.

  13. salguod Avatar

    Hey look, I won! Yay me, where do I collect my prize?

    1. mdharrell Avatar

      For that, you were supposed to call the number in the ad.

  14. salguod Avatar

    With that Buick, I’m not sure there’s a point, but here’s a neat Chevy with a pop top;

  15. salguod Avatar

    This may have a shot at beating the Buick. {Edit: Who am I kidding?] Here’s a local place that restores VW vans and has 3 Vanagon Campers plus 2 Eurovan campers on Craigslist.

  16. Sean McMillan Avatar
    Sean McMillan

    this one’s a trailer but I had to share it

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      Near perfect trailer camouflage.

    2. Vairship Avatar

      THC outhouse? Yup, I’ll believe that!

    1. Wayne Moyer Avatar
      Wayne Moyer

      It’s actually there to take care of unwanted tailgaters.

    1. Vairship Avatar

      For an asking price of $24K, that’s actually a bit of a steal. Cheaper than renting an apartment for college!

  17. Gryphon68 Avatar

    Mobile brothel – You’ll just need a bigger garage . . .
    197? Chrysler motor home. I bought this former mobile brothel from one of the oldest pimps in Nevada. I believe it’s the one I was conceived and born in. My mother found it for me a few years ago while volunteering for the humane society in Vegas. I bought it right away for $10,000 because it’s kind of sentimental to us since my father was an aeronautical engineer turned Navy Seal firefighter and a CIA spy who worked for Richard Nixon himself. Needless to say didn’t have much time for dating so he would visit my mom on his rare time off from work in this mobile brothel that she worked in while she saved up money for college. Anyways my mom and I hoped to restore it to it’s former glory days and get her and it back on the road. But after applying for permits, we were denied for a massive crab infestation and mold issues. It starts and runs well. Steers straight and is good in gas. I’d like to get around $10k for it as is. Clean title in hand. Thanks.
    P.S. Dad if you are reading this please email me as i would love to meet you someday.

    1. Wayne Moyer Avatar
      Wayne Moyer

      That’s the first Craigslist listing that I have ever hit the “Best of” button for. That is just brilliant.