Craigslist Crapshoot

The World’s Worst Car Is For Sale On Craigslist
Welcome to Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly search for the most bizarre, awesome, and/or terrible vehicles that the online classifieds has to offer. 
Last week we went looking for cars that have digital dashboards, which were as big a thing back in the Eighties as were spandex pants and big hair. We’ll talk about what was the brightest idea in just a sec, but first this week’s quest.
It was in the late Sixties that Porsche decided they needed a replacement for the then just several-year old 911. That work eventually spawned the 928, which never supplanted the 911, but instead competed somewhat against it. The 928s, along with their 924, 944 and 968 brethren failed to kill off Porsche’s rear-engine dreams, but that doesn’t mean that front-engine and water-cooled Porsches didn’t leave their mark on the marque. That’s what we want this week—the best deals you can find in front-engine, water-cooled Porsches. Here’s the kicker, let’s keep the price under $20K and NO Panameras or Cayennes!
As always, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Since we’ve changed commenting systems, you may need to update your commenter account. Make sure you have a Disqus account – they’re free and easy to get – and then comment away.

Got that? Good, now let’s get digital.

Truth be told, I roll old school and happen to prefer analog dials for my personal cars. Still, I have to say that the digital dashboard-equipped cars you found certainly did light up my life. In fact, a fluorescent display can seemingly make a mundane ride seem special, as evidenced by the ’87 Thunderbirds found by dukeisduke and mrh1965, or the clapped out and crapped out Town Car (Cartier Edition!) located by mdharrell.
I especially jonesed over the Fiat Uno Turbo and its digital dash flanked by switch gear pods. That one was found by Manic_King, and seemed a doppelgänger to the dash in the Subaru XT found by Alff.
As you can see, it was an impossible task picking the most desirable car for sale that featured a digital dash. That means that this week, you’re all winners! Actually, you’re all winners in my book every week, but this week I get to tell you that.
Okay winners, let’s go find some winning front-engined Porsches.

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49 responses to “Craigslist Crapshoot”

  1. tonyola Avatar

    Here’s a scruffy and non-running 1981 928 for $7,000. Just the thing to bring home to your significant other.

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      Don’t you mean soon-to-be-ex-significant other?

  2. GTXcellent Avatar

    Nothing says buy me like a hood up, pan underneath, scattered tools photo. Personally, I’d rather spend the $2800 on 2800 tacos from Springfield’s Taco Hut.

    1. linkpin Avatar

      That should supply adequate sustenance for the Dr. Who marathon.

      1. dukeisduke Avatar

        Unless you’re on Netflix – I’ve been informed by my daughters in the last couple of weeks that Dr. Who is no longer on Netflix. They are in mourning.

  3. Kiefmo Avatar

    Bumping up against the dollar list, I found this one, which is quite lovely save for having the wrong transmission. Still, that V8 sounds the business, and is my favorite, as it was sampled for the time machine DeLorean in BTTF.
    Where was I? Ah yes, the car. It’s a 1988 928S4, resplendent in black and 18″ 911 turbo wheels (I think). And it’s got 12 years worth of maintenance receipts, though he doesn’t say when some of the critical items were performed.

  4. mdharrell Avatar

    Here’s a 924 with its top cut off. I suspect “Dive it home today” is not a typo. $1500.

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      Despite my affection for my reciprocating saw & its endlessly amusing and/or inappropriate applications, I am enormously disappointed in your misleading first sentence.
      Edit – excellent LeMons candidate.

      1. mdharrell Avatar

        Nonetheless the seller seems to be mighty proud of that gravel.

        1. dead_elvis Avatar

          Justifiably so. Looks like a fine patch fer parkin a fancy furrin car upon.

  5. linkpin Avatar

    $2500 for a leaky purple 928? What’s not to like?

    1. nanoop Avatar

      I didn’t know that color is called “leaky purple”.

      1. Vairship Avatar

        You can see that it has leaked away from above the doors…

  6. Alff Avatar

    The 968 holds less appeal for me than its 944 and 924 predecessors, but I’m astounded that the closest one available to Kansas City is in Virginia.

    1. Kiefmo Avatar

      Because there were only about 2400 ever imported to North America over 4 years of production. Lot less common than the 944.

    2. The Real Number_Six Avatar
      The Real Number_Six

      The 968 was a wonderful car – one of the purest handling cars you could ever find. The biggest drawback was the I4 had gotten so huge at that point that it sounded like a Celica with a fartcan. Cheaper competition was catching up on outright performance as well, making the steep price unattractive.

    3. JayP Avatar

      Check out the 968 Clubsport.
      Damn thats a machine.

    4. smalleyxb122 Avatar

      I happen to think the 944 was the best looking of the lineage, but I’d rather have a 968. It’s not like it looks bad, and it is far more obscure than a 944. I know “car guys” who have never heard of the 968.

      1. Alff Avatar

        Even today 240 hp in a car the size of the 968 is respectable. I have a hard time embracing the bloated look, compared to the 944. It’s like the difference between the last Alfa Spider with all the fiberglass cladding and its predecessors.

  7. Kiefmo Avatar

    How do you say “Hey Honey, I got me/us an old Volksporsche for Valentine’s day, and it only needs a $500 clutch?” in the language of please-don’t-kill-me?

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      Yeah, good luck actually putting that $500 clutch in.

      1. Kiefmo Avatar

        Shop time of 16 hrs, eh? It ain’t a DD, I got the time.

        1. nanoop Avatar

          The trend is going engine-out. When you have no proper workshop with space and two lifts (one for the car, one for the drivetrain) this’ll save a few hours (that you can spend fixing those leaky front seals)

    2. GTXcellent Avatar

      But then you can live out all your Jake Ryan fantasies! Get a birthday cake, dress the missus up as Molly Ringwald…

      1. Kiefmo Avatar

        Hey, the missus is a redhead…

        1. boxdin Avatar

          Even better

  8. Tanshanomi Avatar

    Completely off topic, but…
    Even though I would have very little legitimate purpose for owning a $450 set of wheel dollies, I want these just because of the cool factor.

    1. theskitter Avatar

      Funny you should mention that. We just picked some up at Northern Tool. $200 for the pair. Probably the same supplier.

      1. Tanshanomi Avatar

        I’ve seen some mechanical ratcheting ones at NT for $80 each.

    2. Vairship Avatar

      I was just thinking “what a great idea to jack up the car, just to get a little bit of extra clearance for work underneath”. And then I realized both my driveway and garage floor slope…

  9. Tomsk Avatar

    The asking price is only just under the $20k cap, but if I had that kind of dough to spend, I’d definitely be open to spending it on this one-of-718 U.S.-spec 1988 944 Turbo S.

  10. Gryphon68 Avatar

    Not sure I love the wheels, but the rest of it looks nice. . . .
    Warmed-Up LQ9 Swap 944:

  11. Gryphon68 Avatar

    Not sure I love the wheels, but the rest of it looks nice. . . .
    Warmed-Up LQ9 Swap 944:

  12. CruisinTime Avatar

    This is not the Truck you are Looking For……

    1. boxdin Avatar

      Talk about cabover and low cab forward.. this is front cab high bugs in teeth

  13. engineerd Avatar

    If I were more of a Porsche fan, this would be very tempting. $5995 for a 944 with just over 32k on the odometer. The seller even offers to store it in an enclosed garage until the weather gets better. The upgrades seem tasteful and it looks to be in great condition for a 33 year old car.

  14. Guest Avatar

    Crappy submission:

    1984 Porsche 944

    The seller calls it a “Parts Car” while asking $1200 CAD, which is almost as much as I payed for my decently nice SHO.

    However, this first picture gives me unholy ideas about Porsche pick-ups…$_27.JPG

    1. boxdin Avatar

      Looks like it would make a nice truck too.

  15. Guest Avatar

    Awesome submission:

    “Semi-Race 944 Porsche non turbo ready to be driven”

    Are the headlights black-painted stock pop-up units, or solid-mounted ones with clear covers?

    I don’t know which ones would be cooler…$_27.JPG

    The interiors actually pretty clean, with the functional upgrade of a cup holder!$_27.JPG

  16. nanoop Avatar

    What a strange price cap 20kUSD is: show us all the old watercoolers there are, but don’t show us that 968 CS or the 944 turbo S trailer queens. The sweet spot for a very good 944 is well under 10k, turbos and convertibles maybe slightly above.
    It would be more of a challenge to pick out the most sorry ones (under 2kUSD, not so fun to look at, for me…), or the craziest mods (Audi 5-cyl swap, 928-aminos, you name it).