Welcome to Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly search for the most bizarre, awesome, and/or terrible vehicles that the online classifieds has to offer.
Last week we went looking for cars that have digital dashboards, which were as big a thing back in the Eighties as were spandex pants and big hair. We’ll talk about what was the brightest idea in just a sec, but first this week’s quest.
It was in the late Sixties that Porsche decided they needed a replacement for the then just several-year old 911. That work eventually spawned the 928, which never supplanted the 911, but instead competed somewhat against it. The 928s, along with their 924, 944 and 968 brethren failed to kill off Porsche’s rear-engine dreams, but that doesn’t mean that front-engine and water-cooled Porsches didn’t leave their mark on the marque. That’s what we want this week—the best deals you can find in front-engine, water-cooled Porsches. Here’s the kicker, let’s keep the price under $20K and NO Panameras or Cayennes!
As always, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Since we’ve changed commenting systems, you may need to update your commenter account. Make sure you have a Disqus account – they’re free and easy to get – and then comment away.
Truth be told, I roll old school and happen to prefer analog dials for my personal cars. Still, I have to say that the digital dashboard-equipped cars you found certainly did light up my life. In fact, a fluorescent display can seemingly make a mundane ride seem special, as evidenced by the ’87 Thunderbirds found by dukeisduke and mrh1965, or the clapped out and crapped out Town Car (Cartier Edition!) located by mdharrell.
I especially jonesed over the Fiat Uno Turbo and its digital dash flanked by switch gear pods. That one was found by Manic_King, and seemed a doppelgänger to the dash in the Subaru XT found by Alff.
As you can see, it was an impossible task picking the most desirable car for sale that featured a digital dash. That means that this week, you’re all winners! Actually, you’re all winners in my book every week, but this week I get to tell you that.
Okay winners, let’s go find some winning front-engined Porsches.
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