Our friends at Jalopnik happened across this trailer. It’s one persons vision of the worlds of Cars and Fury Road colliding, and the result is pretty damn well done. What we essentially have here is the Mad Max trailer cut using scenes from the Pixar film, and it all works surprisingly well.
Click play and realize what a lovely day it is.
[Source: Jalopnik]
Cars gets a Fury Road treatment
Truly one of the reasons I keep coming back to the internet. (But not Jalopnik.) Stuff like this. (Also, Thanks, Jalopnik! I’ll call ya!)
MAD Magazine was my source for parody in the dark ages, and take it as a compliment, this is on par with some of MAD’s better stuff. (How far have we devolved? Being on par with MAD Magazine is now a compliment? No wonder Trump is doing so well….ecch.) -
I bet this works better if you’ve seen both films, or even the Fury Road trailer.
For my Art Education degree, my senior paper was titled “Componential Frameworks For The Creative Process” — creating new works by breaking artistic elements down into separately defined components and then finding new, comprehensive relationships between them, while keeping the individual components discrete and recognizable.
TL;DR: My brain hearts mashups SOOO much.-
My own research into “Anisotropic Lattice Thermal Diffusivity in Olivines and Pyroxenes to High Temperature” is of less help here.
As well as in most other circumstances.-
knock-knock-knock “Penny.”
knock-knock-knock “Penny.”
knock-knock-knock “Penny.” -
I once tried to read my father-in-law’s 1956 doctoral thesis in organic chemistry. It didn’t go well.
All you had to do was ask:
It’s comforting to know that I really am as much of an idiot as people tell me I am.
Count yourself lucky. I required eleven years of postgraduate education to learn that about myself, although I began to suspect as much fairly early in the process.
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