So since there has been the passage of at least three major holidays since the Hooniversal Secret Ninja Claus Holiday 2016, this olelongrooffan figured the time was about right for we Hoons to share what we received from our fellow Hoons this past Hoonimas.
This was the first year this olelongrooffan was fortunate enough to be the Secret Santa’s helper and man was it a project. But in the end, all was well. The final Hoonigift finally reached its destination in early February so the posting of this at the end of March only seems correct.
This olelongrooffan was on the receiving end of Hoonimas from a first time participant and was asked by my benefactor what I wanted? “Hell, Man, I don’t know. A couple Hot Wheels cars and a bag of Reeses? Whatever you want.” And that is just what this olelongrooffan found in my rural style mailbox just down the street from my cabin on Christmas morning as I was en route to NotSoLilJim’s hacienda for a kid filled Christmas day with 2 young girls and 2 teenage boys.
Thanks Man. I regifted that stuff and the girls loved the Reeses, even if it was 10 am when they got them and those boys? Well, NotSoLilJim and Bus_Plunge and this olelongrooffan educated them youngsters on the tradition of the old standby guy gift, Hot Wheels. This olelongrooffan doesn’t even remember what I sent off to my recipient for Hoonimas but I hope it was as appreciated.
So anyway my fellow Hoons, do you remember what you got? Let’s see.
Image Copyright Hooniverse 2016/longrooffan
Hooniversal Secret Ninja Claus Tell All: The Post Easter Edition
8 responses to “Hooniversal Secret Ninja Claus Tell All: The Post Easter Edition”
I’ll recycle and update my comment from January:
I believe most of the post-HSNC’15 discussion took place on Facebook, which remains a mystery to me, but I’ve waited long enough to thank Marcal “mve” Eilenstein for sending me a ’49 Buick radio:
Conveniently the speaker is integral with the receiver, making it an ideal candidate for following my father’s lead by installing it in my garage and powering it via a trickle charger. Yes, I do in fact have a
six-volt trickle charger, because of course I do. Now I just need an appropriate antenna. Thanks!
Oh, and to answer the question Marcal posed in the enclosed letter: No, it hasn’t. Yet.
The update: The radio has made its way to a better spot in the garage than the one shown in that photo. The six-volt trickle charger is in a box which I think is somewhere.-
In case your AM broadcasts are as scintillating as they are here (off-key mariachi music or angry talk radio), you could hook up a in place of the antenna and play any ’40s music you have in MP3 or compact disc. It works on 12 volt or 6 volt, and they even have a positive ground version!
That’s awesome. I knew you would enjoy/use it. When I found that, I simply had to have it.
I too will reuse my older post, with some minor revisions.
All the stuff I received was/is very, very cool, but what was even cooler was the method of delivery.
This package came via the frunk of a Porsche Boxster, personally delivered to my rural home, which was both unexpected and delightful!
As for the deliverer, it was the former Bricklin owner that is Scott who made the trip (
Scott’s co-pilot for the evening was none other than Hooniverse’s own Deartháir!
And again, thanks to them for making last years Secret Ninja-Claus even more special than normal!
Update: The cars have been placed in constantly changing Hot Wheels display, while the license plates have found a home with the others on my garage/mini-museum wall, where the Ford 302 tune-up kit also resides.
I as still curious to hear from my recipient, as they were not on Facebook.
This all is from Frank T. Cat on here
Building a case for that clock has almost made it up to the top of my to-do list, honest! -
This is the stuff I received from a Mr. Cartwright (no idea their name on here). I wound up giving some of the Hotwheels to my nephew and ate the chocolates. The other stuff is still sitting on my desk. -
As mentioned on Facebook, my gift arrived the first week of December. Corvette and Cadillac racing shirts, an awesome 1:18 scale AutoArt Porsche 917 and an array of toolbox art, I mean stickers, including what I believe is a bit of prototype camo. I’m assuming that my secret Santa works for GM in R&D, maybe? I never did learn who it was … 😀
The Porsche has taken residence on my dresser, I’ve worn the shirts a couple of times and the stickers have made it to the garage, but have not yet been applied to the toolbox. -
I’m afraid I don’t have any pictures right now, but my gifts couldn’t have been more perfect. A signed Kenny Brack Indycar, some coffee with mugs, books, and a few other things made for the perfect package.
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