When You are a Biker, Getting Hosed isn't a Bad Thing

Bike Cooling

Proper riding attire can mean safety on the streets, but also sweaty in your seats. Check out how one enterprising biker keeps his cool while wending through traffic, with the aid of a helpful sidewalk hoser.

[youtube width=”720″ height=”504″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juQ44rqOoZY[/youtube]

Source: YouTube

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3 responses to “When You are a Biker, Getting Hosed isn't a Bad Thing”

  1. dead_elvis Avatar

    Yay, Two-Wheel Tuesday!
    Wait a minute…

  2. Alcology Avatar

    That's awesome! I've done that on a bicycle and on a run but this must feel awesome

  3. steve Avatar

    It DOES feel awesome. Was on a hot summer ride once, passed an in-ground sprinkler with a broken head shooting water out onto the side of the street. I doubled back for that one and rode through the fountain reeeaaaaal slooooooow. So nice.