Weekend Edition – Cologne Sightings: VW Polo "Steilheck"


Oh yes, the Volkswagen Polo. The two-door sedan wasn’t the only variety you could get ’em, as there was also a tiny coupe version and this square-looking three-door wagon-like one, colloiqually known as the “Steilheck”, meaning “upright back”, or – yeah – squareback.

This workwear blue ‘Heck was photographed in Cologne, Germany, by my E34 535i-driving friend Joe. Let’s take a look at a couple photos of it.


You can see a bit of rust creepin’ on the edges.


It’s badged a “Polo C”, just like mine, which means it’s just as basic. It’s probably been a careless town runabout for quite a while now, it’s that matte.


Some time in the past, it’s receives a knock on the passenger side fender that’s necessitated a swap or a repair. The mirror also looks quite jaunty.


For haulin’ stuff, the Steilheck is probably great. It doesn’t look like it’s difficult to fit a washing machine in there when you fold the seats. And parked on the graffiti’d Cologne street, it’s essential street furniture there.

[Images: 2014 Joe W.]

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