So a whiles back this olelongrooffan was cruising up (or is it down) the Strip here in the Music Capital of The World and spotted this ride in the parking lot of one of the literally hundreds of live music theatres along this strip. Of course I had to whip a Ueee to further check it out. While appearing to be authentic, something about this Pace Car just seemed a bit off. A cursory search of my image library failed to gather up an image of one of these similarly set up. The Z06s I have documented over the years have all been multi colored but, quite candidly, it is okay. Just the sight of it made me a bit homesick for my old stomping grounds. And the sighting of what was seen after the jump didn’t help a whole lot to diminish those feelings.
Yeah there in the parking lot of the Mickey Gilley Theatre, this Dale Earnhardt, Jr. NASCAR show car and truck was spotted. After being so suspicious of that Pace Car, this olelongrooffan had to get out of my longerroof and check out this car a little more closely.
It certainly appeared to be a correct NASCAR style race car, down to the styrofoam panels in between the roll cage and the door panels. And although there was not a means of propulsion under its bonnet, that was not an unusual sight for this olelongrooffan.
I left a calling card on that tow vehicle asking the driver to give me a call. A couple hours later DJ (yeah, I can’t make this up) called and we chatted it up a bit. Turns out he owns a replica of every one of the four Rick Hendrick race team race cars as well as a couple Rolex 24 replica pace cars. I asked if he took them around to dealers and such for display? “No, once in a while Mickey wants one parked outside his place for publicity, but mainly I just have them for fun.”
Seems like a pretty good time, if you are into that sort of thing.
This olelongrooffan? I just wanna drive that road legal pace car, replica or not.
Image Copyright Hooniverse 2016/longrooffan
Truck Thursday: Dale Jr.'s Replica Show Car and Truck
So this guy just collects 1:1 model cars?
I’ve seen this car parked in front of one of those old gas stations that sells show tickets. I didn’t know there were others, though.
I’m with you – give me that Z06 any day.
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