Star Wars Charity Car Wash Cleans a Galaxie Far, Far, Away

Yesterday being May the 4th Be With You day, it seemed fitting to bring up the recent  G4  charity car wash benefitting the Make A Wish Foundation, which was done in full Star Wars costumes. So many bikini Leias!

For LA geeks, this must have been a star warsgasmic experience as the Leias and a sexy storm trooper lathered up and then sprayed car after car.  Jawas and sand people pitched in, putting their territorial differences aside.
Even Anakin found a way to be more useful than annoying this time. Here he’s thinking the spray force is strong with this one. . .
The worst part of any car wash is the drying, but this guy’s being a trooper by not complaining about getting towel duty.
In case you wondered what it would be like having Princess Leia spopnge your car, there’s even a POV video!
Ccheck out more pics at the image sources below, and may the forced induction be with you.
Image sources: [,]

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12 responses to “Star Wars Charity Car Wash Cleans a Galaxie Far, Far, Away”

  1. dukeisduke Avatar

    Without the buns in the hair, they're not real Princess Leias. And Alff, your comment was spot-on.

  2. dmilligan Avatar

    Hmmm, I can't see the first 6 pictures, but I can see the Youtube video and the pictures in the comments. What did I do?

  3. SeanKHotay Avatar

    Isn’t that Sara Jean Underwood as the Leia-in-white being forced to wax-of…wash cars by blaster-armed stormtroopers under the inscrutable gaze of Darth Vader?

  4. SVT2888 Avatar

    $10 isn't actually a bad price for a car wash.

    1. Tomsk Avatar

      Pity it's in direct sunlight.

  5. Alff Avatar

    Come to the dork side.

    1. scroggzilla Avatar

      That's some good commentin' there Alff.

  6. Tomsk Avatar

    So the car washes were $10, but how much were the hand-Jabbas?

  7. dmilligan Avatar

    Hmmm, I can't see the first 6 pictures, but I can see the Youtube video and the pictures in the comments. What did I do?

  8. MadKaw Avatar

    Hmm….that reminds me, the charity bikini bike washes should be popping up soon around here. Gotta keep my eye out for those!

  9. muthalovin Avatar

    I am pleased to see that there were not just Scions and Priuseseseses there. Although dorks do drive S2000 in high number.