Of Subprime Loans, Cars, Money, and Lawyers

I am not sure how it got onto my iPad browser, but there it was, at 3:03am, as I was waiting for kid #2 to fall back asleep, a Mother Jones article on the business of selling cheap cars to anyone for a ridiculous amount of money. It features the story of Detroit car dealer Don Foss. Allow me to say that I don’t know much about this Mother Jones website, their political views, or reputation, so please don’t hold that against me. What I do know is that this is an interesting article. Automotive media typically looks at monthly and annual auto sales. You see how each company has had the best month/quarter/year ever selling the most boring cars to the dealerships, and how everyone is happy about that. But what you don’t see is the dirty truth, which in the past, and currently, has bubbled up, of dealers selling to the public. It’s not just cheap used cars but new, even pricey cars, that are getting sold to people who clearly cannot afford them. It’s a huge sum of money, so naturally it gets political. Lies, deceit, and manipulation, everything but a sex scandal is present. If you think the days of scummy car sales are over, you’re wrong. Source: Mother Jones

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