Last Call: Spring has Sprung Edition

Honey, Springtime’s here, we can go places again. Get the baby and we’ll take her to that doctor fella.
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day.  It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.
Image: Imgur

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  1. Matt Reynolds Avatar
    Matt Reynolds

    See-through doors on a Jeep would be perfect.

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      Inasmuch as doors on a jeep are superfluous, I suppose see-through doors would be the lesser of two evils.

  2. salguod Avatar

    The 318ti is alive again!
    I finally got the lines bled and she’s back on the road. Only thing left is an alignment since I’m sure the fall’s control arms plus the new strut mounts have things out of whack.

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      Hooray! for brakes!
      Really, there’s a deep resource of stories and opinions about brakes that can be mined by any quirky car blog just zany enough to put it out there.
      “Which do you improve first, horsepower or braking power?”
      “Is adding lightness equivalent to increasing braking power?”
      “What’s the most catastrophic brake failure you’ve ever survived? Bonus question: How many others didn’t?”
      “Brakes lines are like ’70s pants: Are you a flares, double flares, or bubble flares kind of Hoon?”
      “Compression fittings: Wizard magic or Buzzard bait?”
      “Dual circuit systems: Corners or axles?”
      “Triple circuit braking systems: Just what exactly are you driving?”
      “Quadruple circuit braking systems: How many brake pedals is enough?”
      “Drum brake springs: Did you see where that landed?”

      1. salguod Avatar

        I was heading down the compression fitting road based on the wisdom of YouTube. Then I got to the parts store and I found the compression fittings, with the brake lines, clearly marked with a warning not to use them on brake lines.
        The BMW uses bubble flares, but since I didn’t have to connect to any factory fittings I used the more readily available inverted flares.

        1. Batshitbox Avatar

          Truckers always keep compression fittings in their tool kit. Sure, they ain’t legal, and they ain’t safe, but they do get you down the road!

  3. Batshitbox Avatar

    I’m way more busted up about Chyna’s death than Prince’s. I’m older than Chyna and younger than Prince. I think Chyna did more to advance the condition of humanity by exhibiting strength and weakness in the face of adversity than Prince ever did in fiddling around with musical genres in the face of the 1980s.