Last Call- Questionable Logic, But Good Brakes Edition


That’ll show ’em.

Image source: Imgur

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15 responses to “Last Call- Questionable Logic, But Good Brakes Edition”

  1. $kaycog Avatar
  2. Batshitbox Avatar

    Really? How's that workin' out for you?

  3. Maymar Avatar

    You know, merging into the right lane usually takes care of the tailgater situation, even if it doesn't prove a point so dramatically.

    1. ToLiveNDieInNJ Avatar

      So much this. If someone's on your ass in the left lane, MOVE OVER.

      1. hwyengr Avatar

        Two wrongs don't make a right.

    2. Dacket84 Avatar

      I really only have problems with tailgaters on single lane roads, unfortunately.

      1. ToLiveNDieInNJ Avatar

        That does suck. I've also pulled off and let people pass if I'm driving much more slowly/they're driving aggressively. Most of the issues in NJ seem to be on the highway though.

      2. Maymar Avatar

        Fair enough, I just sort of assume anytime I see someone with a bumper sticker complaining about tailgaters, that they're the problem and don't get it.
        For what it's worth, I generally keep what tailgating I do to those who don't get out of the passing lane. There aren't many people around here who do noticably less than the speed limit on single lane roads, so as much as I can be a dick, I can't fault someone who's adhering very strictly to the law. I try and maintain at least some sort of code.

  4. JayP2112 Avatar

    I brake for gater-tails. Fried please!

    1. MVEilenstein Avatar

      With a little spicy mayo for dipping.

  5. desolit Avatar

    'I offroad… over hondas'

  6. HTWHLS Avatar

    Ha. Here in the metro ATL, if you see a car like this, 9 times out of 10, it's in the left lane, with a driver on the phone, alternately braking or drifting.
    I second the "Move Over" remarks but the brainiacs who design the roads here put turns on both sides of the road, including the highways and freeways. It's a lost cause.

  7. mykeljon Avatar

    Too many serious comments. I think this is a hilarious picture. Tailgaters are a pain in the ass especially when you are already driving over the limit and you're in the left lane passing slow traffic.

    1. Owner Avatar

      Perfect comment dude, it's the exact attitude I had when I painted my car like this. I did not get hit on purpose but instead made the best out of a bad situation for humor only… sort of, I do tend to torture tailgaters if possible, but the guy who hit me simply looked down at the wrong time and acted totally responsible after the incident.

      1. Owner Avatar

        Yeah… I failed to be direct in stating that this is MY car.