Last Call- Norm Abrams Edition


Step 1- Get rear-ended. Step 2- Collect insurance payout for damage to your car. Step 3- Notice the stack of pallets behind the home center. Step 4- Profit!

Image source: Imgur 

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35 responses to “Last Call- Norm Abrams Edition”

  1. $kaycog Avatar

    I wood go out on a limb here and say that this guy has made a total ash of himself.

    1. Devin Avatar

      On the other hand, the Prius is a car for tree-huggers. That doesn't leaf him with many options.

    2. Alcology Avatar

      You just keep pining for puns don't you?

      1. Tomsk Avatar

        They're trying to branch out, but they should probably stick with their day jobs.

        1. LTDScott Avatar

          That's it, time for me to leave.

          1. citroen67 Avatar

            I can't think of a good pun. I feel like a real sap.

          2. Rage Avatar

            don't you mean, it's time for you to leaf…

    3. erikgrad Avatar

      actually, I disagree, and I'm surprised that this kind of thing isn't more poplar

      1. ptschett Avatar

        Who'd have thought that Sequoia parts would fit on a Prius?

        1. TurboBrick Avatar

          He didn't have a lot of choice. It was either that or tear off the bumper cover and leave it bare as the Tundra.

          1. OA5599 Avatar

            That's oakay. I wood probably do the same thing. Don't make the guy walk the plank over it.

      2. Tiller188 Avatar

        Knot enough people willing to go against the grain, I guess.

    4. fodder650 Avatar

      You're always barking up the wrong tree with the puns. What we want are statements that give us a woody.

      1. $kaycog Avatar

        Son of a birch, Fodder! You're axing me do that?

        1. fodder650 Avatar

          I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes.

          1. $kaycog Avatar

            I'll try, but I have a feeling that all my efforts will be in vein.

      2. Vavon Avatar

        It sounds like you are into treesomes…

  2. Will Avatar

    pretty awesome IMO…

    1. faberferrum Avatar

      I agree, I kind of like it actually. Better than the people that drive around for months with shattered plastic and crumpled metal

    2. Batshitbox Avatar

      That looks a thousand times better than factory. And I bet all the tail lights work. (I seem to see a lot of them with one light out, usually the right one.)

  3. boostedlegowgn Avatar

    Well. That's the first time a Prius has ever given anybody wood.

  4. Alff Avatar

    What a hypocrite, killing trees to save your Prius.

    1. Tim Odell Avatar
      Tim Odell

      I hope he hugged it first.

  5. BЯдΖǐL-ЯЄРΘЯΤЄЯ Avatar

    It's morphing back to nature. THAT was the advanced feature, what makes the Pruis green, Toyota never told about.

  6. CopterBob Avatar

    I'm too board to even comment.

  7. JayP2112 Avatar

    Could I get some measured drawerings?

  8. alain Avatar

    the owners next mod: wheels with carbon offsets

  9. Jaaaggggggg Avatar

    For all that is good in the world, I hope he continues this until the whole body matches that bumper, ruining every benefit of the Prius in one fell swoop just for the sake of being the most awesome guy to ever drive too slow in the passing lane.

    1. Hopman Avatar

      In Massachusetts, that's too slow in the MIDDLE lane!

  10. dukeisduke Avatar

    I think someone sent me some pictures of that thing one time. And it's Abram – no s on the end.

  11. POLAЯ Avatar

    Three more accidents until it becomes TOTALLY COOL!!!!

  12. caltemus Avatar

    He also has a solar augmented prius too.

  13. jeremy![™] Avatar

    i actually like it…

  14. Sjalabais Avatar

    Unsuspecting bypassers should consider the wood stripe starting right behind the front wheel a warning…
    Seriously cool! Modding a Prius like a redneck puts the world back into equilibrium.