Hooniverse Asks: What Car or Truck Annoys You For No Apparent Reason?

There are certain things in life for which unbridled annoyance is a logical reaction: a broken shoelace when you’re late for a funeral, CVT transmissions, and Jared from Subway being just a few examples.
Sometimes however, there seem to be certain things that, for one reason or another, just piss you off. You don’t know exactly why, or what it is precisely about them that’s just so freaking irritating, but there it is. And of course, it’s all their fault.
What we’re looking for today are the cars and trucks whose mere presence elicits such a negative response. Is there a vehicle out there that just plain annoys you for no apparent reason?
Image: Wired

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  1. 0A5599 Avatar

    None. If it annoys me, there’s a reason, even if I can’t articulate one.

    1. Kiefmo Avatar

      I concur. There’s always a reason, even if it’s as petty as “It’s a stupid car that never needed to exist, and the fact that so many were sold irritates me” or “I have never seen one of these being driven by a not-asshole”.

    2. pj134 Avatar

      Yeah, there’s always a reason a car annoys me. The one that came to mind was the Pilot but that’s because there’s always at least one being driven ignorantly on my commute.

  2. engineerd Avatar

    This came to mind right away…
    I’m not really sure why. Sure, it’s a truck based on an SUV. Maybe it’s all the plastic side cladding that a serious truck would never have? Not sure.

    1. Maymar Avatar

      Well, a truck based on an SUV that was based in a truck. But yeah, these got a lot more tolerable with the next generation (except for losing the 8100). Although, it was perfect that Jeremy Renner’s douchebag character in The Town drove one.

    2. Grant Linderman Avatar
      Grant Linderman

      I have a love/hate relationship with these. One one hand, these fit my vehicle needs/wants rather well… and on the other… a short-ish story.
      I worked at a high-end body shop in high school (as shop b*tch originally, and finally graduated to paint-prep and part-time shop b*tch, then to final detailing and part-time shop b*tch). A local Porsche dealer (could have been Land Rover… can’t remember), for whom we did all the body work, took a big-block Avalanche in on a trade and had us to fix it up with the following instructions: pull the rear bumper back into shape by chaining it to a concrete bollard and putting the truck in drive, and then spray-paint some of the cladding that had been scuffed up pretty badly. It looked like new when we were done. Ever since I can’t get the shoddy quality of the fit/finish of these trucks out of my mind whenever I see one. Strikes me as early 80’s GM quality with a bunch of added electronics (that fail with surprising frequency) – the same isn’t always true of contemporary GM pickups and SUVs… the Avalanche just feels more thrown together out of the corporate parts-bin when you inspect things under/behind the cladding and body panels.

      1. dukeisduke Avatar

        If you don’t stay on top of the condition of the cladding (Armor all or something like it), it eventually develops a weird tiger stripe pattern, like the bumpers and cladding on Toyota Previas. I think it’s polypropylene.

        1. mad_science Avatar

          These things are dying for an aftermarket solution to that cladding. Like, some way to strip it all off and clip in a few metal trim pieces or something.

          1. Sjalabais Avatar

            “Birch wood!” felt like a brilliant thought of Scandinavian lightness and midsummer forests, naked blondes and all-night-bonfires.
            Two minutes of GIMP/Photoshop later, my inner redneck crawls back into foster position to suck on its tumb.

          2. Fuhrman16 Avatar

            It was possible to get these from the factory with a more normal painted cladding.

          3. caltemus Avatar

            Paint the plastic triangle, or remove it, and youve got a fine looking vehicle.

          4. Jax Lazzo Rhapsody Avatar

            I’d just permanately attatch the topper(comes with a window for the triangle), and remove the back widow, and rear panel(removable anyway), making it permanately an suv. None of those SUTs lasted long, I guess they thought they’d catch on, like coupe utility vehicles up until the late 80s- nope. Ridgeline was the worst, on a minivan chassis, though it had some sort of awd/4wd drivetrain.

      2. salguod Avatar

        A friend bought a new Chevy truck about 10 years ago. He wanted 3 things:
        1 – The Avalanche body
        2 – The 4 wheel steering
        3 – The diesel
        No 2 of those options were available together. He got a plain 4 door 4wd with the diesel.

    3. dukeisduke Avatar

      Chevrolet Mudslide.

    4. Preludacris Avatar

      I dislike the newer (current?) generation of these because they’re very common around here and from the front they’re identical to the Suburbans the local police use.
      Just that many more times per day I end up flinching and letting off the gas for no reason.

    5. Roody Avatar

      Having owned one for 6 years, I’m going to disagree. Everything on the Avalanche that makes it look the way it does is there for a reason. Function over form is rare, and the Avalanche was the epitome of just that. The cladding wards off dents, scratches, etc., and is easy to clean and can take a beating from brush and such (or shopping carts…). The triangular “sail panel” openings keep the elements out more than you’d expect, and serves as a shield to the removable glass window and midgate (which is the greatest thing ever for hauling). The pockets on the sides have an absolute ton of usable storage and are water-tight. Most people thought it was a horrific, unfortunate looking truck, but the things that make it look unique and out-there are what make it so easy and such a pleasure to own. Trucks are supposed to be able to get the crap beaten out of them and keep on going, and all of the aforementioned things do just that for the Avalanche. I miss mine every day.

  3. theskitter Avatar

    I have no idea why the Insight
    (a) has wild swings in apparent power and mileage
    (b) alternates blowing hot and freezing air at me when I ask for heat
    (c) automatically cycles the stereo to bluetooth unless disabled
    (d) snap oversteers under low-G cornering

    1. Tiller188 Avatar

      Hm. I’m not sure this is in the spirit of the original question, but I’m intrigued by this. Have we already done an Asks on cars that have or have had weird, annoying quirks? I’d be interested to hear not just about cars that annoy us for no apparent reason, but also about cars that annoy us for very specific reasons….by doing annoying things for no apparent reason.

  4. Sjalabais Avatar

    I see so many people who really can’t afford them, but who stretch themselves way beyond their means. Why? My guess is to display a status item. Apple-logic applied to cars bankcrupts people, and I think it’s meaningless.
    At least, this is how I try to explain it to myself.

    1. Borkwagen Avatar

      In the same vein, the Mercedes CLA. It’s the car version of cheap clothing with a nice brand made cheaply for the outlet store.

      1. neight428 Avatar

        Yes. It is to a regular Mercedes-Benz what Chaps is to Polo.

    2. karonetwentyc Avatar

      I see a ridiculous number of these and similar vehicles parked in neighbourhoods where the rents are in the $1200-$1400/month bracket for an 800 sq. ft. apartment – and those are figures which don’t put you in a particularly high-earning demographic for the part of town you’re living in.
      Then again, I’ve also never understood the ‘image over everything else’ mentality that seems to be heavily attached to these vehicles.

  5. The Real Number_Six Avatar
    The Real Number_Six

    Without any actual knowledge of whether or not it’s true, this offensive piece of shit screams “I’m a tacky dickhead who’s gone into major debt to broadcast a message of douchebaggery and careless driving.”

    1. Tanshanomi Avatar

      Plain-vanilla X6? Abso-posi-lutely. X6M? I can’t quite get past the engineering awe and unvarnished jealousy.

      1. The Real Number_Six Avatar
        The Real Number_Six

        I can’t get over the 5,200lb kerb weight – couldn’t they have engineered half a ton out of it?

        1. karonetwentyc Avatar

          And not raised the centre of gravity while they were at it?
          I *really* loathe these things; they’re some of the most cynical, ‘you’ll buy any crap we put on the showroom floor’ models from any manufacturer. Unfortunately, they’re right because we’re practically drowning in the damn things around here.

    2. Grant Linderman Avatar
      Grant Linderman

      I see (and agree with) your point… but I’d contend that this is the model you should have chosen to highlight it (the 5-series GT).

      1. The Real Number_Six Avatar
        The Real Number_Six

        That one only induces mild nausea for me, and doesn’t seem to be driven with the same homicidal stupidity as the X6, like other folks have pointed out.

      2. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

        Trouble is, they’re actually really useful cars, and that’s really annoying.

      3. Tomsk Avatar

        If anything, it’s annoying because it’s the reason BMW stopped selling the 5 Series Touring over here.

    3. HoondavanDude Avatar

      Someone who pilots one of these has an overlapping commute and passes me every few weeks. I use the term “pilot” because he operates this thing like it’s a fighter plane trying avoid a surface-to-air missile. I’ve probably seen him driving 50+ times and without fail his right foot is on the floor (brake or gas) and he’s swerving between lanes. I can appreciate the bonkers engineering, but I can’t think of another car I’ve consistently seen driven at 10/10.

      1. karonetwentyc Avatar

        The rule of thumb around here seems to be that purchasing any BMW, Porsche, Audi, or Mercedes-Benz product automatically makes the owner a superior driver to everyone else on the road.
        Which doesn’t really explain why I’m able to trap so many of them in traffic behind the slower-moving vehicle in the lane to my right when they pulled out to overtake without seeing what was actually in the lane they intended to move into…

        1. Tiller188 Avatar

          Ah, yes. I love that instant-karma moment when somebody decides to weave around and pass me on the right, only to immediately be confronted by the dawdling CUV that was the reason I was in the left lane in the first place.

    4. karonetwentyc Avatar

      Absolutely. Thankfully, the person seeking to flaunt their beyond-their-means douchebag status now has a choice between kidney grilles and three-pointed stars with the arrival of the Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupé. This is a good thing because it’ll give the rest of us an almost indistiguishably-different vehicle to dislike for largely the same reasons as with the BMW.

      1. The Real Number_Six Avatar
        The Real Number_Six

        I wanna sit up high like a big boy.

      2. nanoop Avatar

        I… I didn’t know these exist.
        My “I don’t know much about recent cars” attitude turns out to be some self-prevention trick. Where’s my edition of “Cars of the Eastern Block”…

      3. Monkey10is Avatar

        And remember: With Audi having recently negotiated the purchase of the “Q2” and “Q4” trademarks from Alfa Romeo, this suggests that they are soon about to start littering this market segment as well.

    5. SlowJoeCrow Avatar

      I saw one in the local Nissan dealer’s used line up. I’m not sure if had a lift kit or was up on the grass but it was towering in the air like a yuppie bro truck. I think that X6 hit maximum wtf and I am saddened to think that the brilliant R1200RT shares its roundel with this pos.

      1. The Real Number_Six Avatar
        The Real Number_Six

        No kidding – BMW’s bike lineup is fantastic at the moment.

  6. Tanshanomi Avatar

    3rd Gen CR-Vs, probably because what was originally a distinctive and attractive design had become so grotesque. From the “ermahgerd” fascia to the way the huge, droopy curve of the rear window and rear quarter glass are totally mismatched to the squared-off roofline, it just makes we want to say, “how the hell did a whole team of designers buy into that?” At least the current one is now simply generic-looking, rather than baroque.

      1. Tanshanomi Avatar


    1. Rudy™ Avatar

      Yeah, that front end was hideous. I still prefer my first-gen CR-V, one of the first available (August 1997), in terms of styling over the others. 19 years old and it’s still going. Except for crappy Michigan roads and winter salt that is eating away at it.

  7. PotbellyJoe★★★★★ Avatar

    Honda Civic.
    I will never own one and I get annoyed when I hear a friend of mine has bought one.
    The reason. I have absolutely no idea.
    They’re good cars, decently priced, solid for reliability and cost of ownership is alright as well.
    Still. I dislike them.

    1. Tiller188 Avatar

      This would have been my answer, as well. They’re good cars, can’t fault anyone who chooses to drive one (even if it does disappoint me a little to hear that a friend of mine has just bought one), but I just don’t much like them and wouldn’t buy one myself. Too vanilla, I guess? Even that isn’t really a fair criticism given the spacey styling of the recent years, the Si models, and the new Type R. Can’t really rationalize it, just don’t care for ’em.

  8. GTXcellent Avatar

    I’ve talked myself into trouble before, going down this path – but I just hate tiny pickups. I understand that not everyone wants/needs a one ton duelie, and that they make perfect sense to a lot of people, but I still loathe them.
    My in-laws own 5 licensed and insured pick ups (why that many? I don’t have a clue). Guess what my father-in-law drives more than any other? A beat to hell, rotted out, 4 cylinder/5 speed, 2wd ’97 S-10. I don’t get it and I never will.

    1. PotbellyJoe★★★★★ Avatar

      I still hold that my favorite truck to pilot on a daily basis was a 2002 Access Cab 2WD Toyota Tacoma 4-cyl with a 5-speed.
      It was small, light, could carry my small needs inside and out. All in all a good little truck. I want to say it was 26 mpg highway too.
      For someone who had no need for a truck, it was a great truck. In actuality, I my needs were better served with the Protege5 I owned, but the Taco was at least RWD, haha.
      So i agree with you. If you despise little trucks, like my despisal of Honda Civics, it is pretty irrational, haha.

      1. ol shel Avatar
        ol shel

        Sorry, but the horse-face grill was an abomination.
        My ‘95.5 4×4 reg cab 4cyl had the much-better sealed beams… I miss that truck as much as I miss my dog.

  9. mr smee Avatar
    mr smee

    Four-door “coupes” and bro-truck, rig-rockets. Four doors is s sedan, always will be. If you want the cache of a coupe, build one! Rig-rockets, I drive a car and can’t see around them, they all have cheap-ass HID conversion that blind me, none have mud flaps to stop flinging crap and rocks at my car, and most are driven like idiots.

    1. Cool_Cadillac_Cat Avatar

      No, you can have a four-door coupe, because that designation, coupe, is based on rear seat volume. 20-something cubic feet, which really isn’t much.
      I’d wager the RX8 qualifies. However, those built, and capitalizing on the “coupe” moniker currently, are doing it wrong.
      The same goes for sedans. I’ve owned a two-door sedan…a ’73 Coupe deVille, even though “coupe” was in the name. The back seat was plenty large, though not in proportion to the car’s exterior dimensions.
      I live, unfortunately, in FREEDOMLAND Texas, so bro-trucks are an everyday aggravation.

  10. Citric Avatar

    This has kind of lessened now that they have lost every cent of their value and most of them are already scrapped, but the Buick Terraza.
    I just keep thinking, of all the things you could buy, why buy that?

  11. SlowJoeCrow Avatar

    Bad driving annoys me more than what is being driven badly. My personal worst moment for getting passed angrily was driving slowly on a twisty road in the rain, in a thoroughly inoffensive beater Civic.
    my peeves mostly involve “choppers” with loud pipes and bro-trucks, mostly because of offensive behavior.

    1. Vairship Avatar

      Loud pipes save lives make me want to run you over.

  12. mdharrell Avatar

    “…unbridled annoyance is a logical reaction… CVT transmissions….”
    As a proud member of the DAF Club of America and the DAF Owners Club (Great Britain), I must protest this outrageous slander against the Variomatic and its ilk.
    Well, except when it’s time to change belts. That is annoying.

    1. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

      “Forward to go forwards, backward to go back.”
      Like me taking a dance class.

      1. mdharrell Avatar

        The newsletter of the DAF Owners Club is called “Belting Along.” Don’t blame me for this; they’re your countrymen.

        1. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

          I heard the membership charge was daylight rubbery.

          1. Sjalabais Avatar

            I’m not sure this actually contributes to release tension.

        2. Vairship Avatar

          The annual Corvair get-together in Palm Springs is called the Great Western Fan Belt Toss…

  13. Cool_Cadillac_Cat Avatar

    I’d say the Honda Crosstour, but there are reasons…

    1. Rudy™ Avatar

      Reasons here too, and I’m a Honda/Acura person myself. Never liked the front grille, and why so expensive? An LX variant would have sold far better. Acura’s take on it sold in such low numbers that I can’t even remember the model number anymore.

  14. Maymar Avatar

    As I’ve admitted to before, I hate modern Hyundais and Kia because of a few lingering touches that remind me of my dreadful old Hyundai Accent. It’s not rational, but it’s enough that they’d have to build something glorious for me to get over it. They don’t have aspirations of glory, just adequacy.
    Also, I hate basically every modern Nissan and Infiniti, because they mostly felt cheapish and sound awful. I don’t hate the Juke,so I hate it more because they can’t build one as a normal hatchback.

  15. mad_science Avatar

    This is not rational, but Porsche 911s.
    I’ve never driven or ridden in one (at least that I can remember). But more than anything they represent a cult of fanboyism or arrogant d-baggery, coupled with fussy German overengineering. The ratio of serious sports car drivers owners Vs lawyers who think it’ll impress people favors the later. That was always the case, but recent years have added preposterous valuations to the mix. “Oh, here’s a ’73 SWB small-bumper small fender blahblahblah” “That’ll be $42k” By proxy I dislike 356s for being overengineered Bugs with even more ridiculous pricing.

    1. nanoop Avatar

      While I agree with the gist of your post, and I would also add the annoying “flawless (luxury) track car” aesthetics (as popularized by Singer, and maybe the unfortunately translated RWB recently) of the cars the lawyers drive after their Harley Davidson phase – there is no such thing as “fussy German overengineering”.

    2. ol shel Avatar
      ol shel

      Current 911s are not attractive. People like them because they’re told to adore Porsche. They look like cheap, vacuum-formed R/C car bodies with wheels that are 5 inches too large.
      The easiest job in the world is to make tiny revisions to the 911, every few years.
      I’m sad for the automotive community that people don’t realize this.

  16. SawdustTX Avatar

    The Prius – but there are many reasons. In the “no apparent reason” category, please don’t hate me, but I just can’t stand Miatas. And even less logical, I want the new Fiat 124, which is a warmed over Miata. go figure….

  17. Rudy™ Avatar

    Hard for me to pick any because I usually have *reasons*. (Like Prius for its tree-hugging stigma, or anything by Tesla since I detest Musk’s condescending attitude, for instance.)
    As a general category though, I would submit that pickup trucks annoy me the most. Granted, many are driven for utility reasons–construction workers, farmers, even people who haul a lot of stuff around and tow trailers, boats, campers, etc. have a genuine need for one. But I still can’t get past the fact that many of the pickups around me are driven by stereotypical dumb ornery rednecks with small dicks (the old compensatory factor, dontchaknow), their Type A mentality using their vehicles to force their way through traffic, all the while ignoring traffic laws since the laws don’t apply to them. If there’s someone tailgating, brake-checking or cutting people off? It’s a pickup. Running a red light? It’s a pickup. A flying middle finger for passing a slowpoke doing 90 MPH in the left lane of I-696? Yep, a pickup. Rolling down a window to spew obscenities at you for driving like a normal, safe and sane driver? Sho nuff, a pickup. It’s hard to shake that stigma with *every* pickup truck I see, yet I often can’t.
    They’re right up there with the chrome toilets…erm, Harleys…for me.

    1. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

      Upvote for Chrome Toilets.

    2. Citric Avatar

      I think the handy way to tell which pickups you should hate is to see if there are any modifications that make them less able to do truck things – like giant exhaust pipes in the box that would prevent hauling things.

      1. dead_elvis Avatar

        Truck nutz. Slammed 4×4 duallies.

        1. Vairship Avatar

          Or lifted so high the bed becomes unreachable and useless.

          1. dead_elvis Avatar

            Isn’t that a standard feature of most current trucks?

    3. tea party jesus Avatar
      tea party jesus

      I’m a Chicago city-dweller who only drives his car one day a week, and a moderate, Obama-voting liberal….and man, I love every chance I get to drive a full-size, American-made pickup truck. (Okay, I’ll take the Ford and the Dodge over the Chevy any day, but that’s my only caveat.) Had a big Hemi-powered Dodge over Christmas, the thing was bigger than a Suburban, and it was a LOT of fun to drive around out West for a couple days.

  18. tea party jesus Avatar
    tea party jesus

    I had the misfortune of driving one of these last weekend. (Hey, it was an $8/day rental car, and I was too cheap to upgrade.)
    It was the most awful driving experience of my life. And a deathtrap.

  19. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

    These days every bit of hatred I hold against cars is directed towards specific failings, but it wasn’t always the case.
    When I was about 12 I had a completely irrational loathing for the five-door Nissan Sunny, which, it turns out, was actually a thoroughly competent if unremarkable car. I just detested every fibre of it’s miserable being.

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      If, by competent, you exclude longevity. They tended to rust out and fall apart really quick – but so did most of its competition, too, I guess.

      1. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

        Fair point- come to think of it they did all disappear on the same day in 2006…

        1. Sjalabais Avatar

          Sunny eclipse?

      2. dr zero Avatar
        dr zero

        Not down here. I still see these (Pulsars in Aus) on at least a weekly basis.

        1. Sjalabais Avatar

          Then my vote is on the lack of year round rains and/road salt as the Sunny nemesis.

  20. neight428 Avatar

    The last generation Dodge Avenger. It just screams “15%, 72 month note”. It does not have a single redeeming quality.

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      These always hit me as a prime example of how a basically neat design can be packaged to look so awful, it comes across as almost toyish. I’ve seen the interior of these only in photos, but I cringe nonetheless. These have a spiritual counterpart in Russia, in the TaGAZ Aquila:
      If you look at it from element to element, you can see that both cars contain some of the same mistakes, based on the same formula of “neatness destroyed”.

      1. neight428 Avatar

        I see Hyundai Veloster meets Scion FR-S meets a Prius and they all got wasted.

    2. Maymar Avatar

      It was a really cheap way to get a 300ish hp V6, so that was a pro. But of course the one I once rented was an I4, and it was just hateful, gutless, thirsty, uncomfortable (although the ride was okay), and hard to see out of.

  21. MattC Avatar

    The easy target is the Hummer H2. The perfect vehicle for Bro-Dogs and general Douchebaggery. (However, I do feel that the H3 Pickup is quite nice and a good used value).
    The BMW X6, period. The perfect car for over-caffeinated, latte toting soccer moms who haven’t a care about what the brand stood for in the past. This is where I officially parted ways with ever thinking about buying a BMW, ever. (Rant off, I literally was saying this out loud while I was typing. BTW, Jeremy Clarkson’s review is brilliantly spot on about the X6).
    The Mercedes CLA. By itself , not a bad car but the antithesis of what MB has been building for decades. Ridiculously overpriced compared to many other “lesser” brands. same applied to the Gwagon on the opposite end of the spectrum (because it will never be used for what they were intended). However, MB is making bank on both models, so they obviously know their target demographic.

  22. Kyle Allen Avatar

    Very easy answer for me. First, the Bugatti Veyron: Douche bag HyperCar bought mostly by people who see $ signs instead of automotive excellence. All “razor sharp Ferrari’s” eg: 458, Cali, 488, LaFerrari (dumbest name ever). They bug me cause Ferrari’s WERE beautiful and now ugly as sin

  23. ptschett Avatar

    Usually I have a reason. (Bro-dozers, badly-designed aftermarket lighting, bad aftermarket lighting on bro-dozers, the uncanny way that poor musical taste usually correlates with a compulsion to make everyone in a 3-block radius hear the bass line, etc…)
    My least reasonable is: the car parked in ‘my’ space at work when I get there in the morning. Parking isn’t assigned, there’s enough room I can park somewhere else, but most of us that park around the perimeter of the lot park the same place every day, enough to be able to make a habit out of it. The usual cause of chaos is when someone replaces an old work beater with something shiny & new, or comes to work towing a trailer and needs to park outside the general-population angle parking.

  24. mseoul Avatar

    Easy for me: the “Camry type” Lexus. whatever the FWD sedan is called. They are rolling road blocks. They seem to be selected by a very special group of owners.

  25. JohnComposMentis Avatar

    I’m not sure this counts as “no apparent reason,” but for several years I’ve disliked Audis based on a specific individual in my life who owned one. This is different from the phenomenon of stereotyping, say, Prius drivers as smug tree-huggers or drivers of large pickups as rednecks. A former coworker — one of the most obnoxiously arrogant backstabbers I’ve ever dealt with — drove an aging S4 and insisted it was the absolute best car available; pity us poor mopes consigned to driving lesser vehicles. I indulged in a fair amount of schadenfreude as it lived up to Audis’ reputation (at least at the time) as troublesome and high-maintenance.

  26. Jaap Avatar

    It’s not easy to move away from the apparent reasons for disliking certain cars, but I never liked Toyota’s and Nissans. Probably because there’s nothing much apparent about them.