Many fire departments advocate that the bi-annual clock change – springing forward and falling back – makes for a good opportunity to also check the batteries in your home’s smoke detectors. Likewise, in ye olden days it was pretty much a given that stopping into a filling station was also a good time to check things like tire pressure, oil level and to top off your radiator. Back then, a lot of stations had attendants who would assist you or undertake the tasks themselves, hence earning the name Service Station.
For the most part those days are long gone – yes Oregon, I see you sitting there all smug and self-satisfied – and in fact most cars today don’t need so frequent a mechanical inspection as did their predecessors in years past. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still check things like how much air is in your car’s tires, or whether the engine might just be a quart low. After all, not everyone is blessed to have at home an air compressor or. . . you know, paper towels.
So, today’s question – as part of the amazing Pump Week – is whether you still ascribe to the old school notion of making a fill up an opportunity to preflight your car or truck. Do you have a fuel-up ritual?
Image: Pelican Parts
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