Craigslist Crapshoot

The World’s Worst Car Is For Sale On Craigslist
Welcome to Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly search for the most bizarre, awesome, and/or terrible vehicles that the online classifieds has to offer. 
Last week we looked at what kind of bang for our buck 2006 – now a decade in the rear-view – could offer. We’ll consider what was banging from that year in a sec. But first, this week’s quest.
This seems to be the year that electric cars reach critical mass. Teslas will now follow you around your driveway like a faithful puppy, and Chevy’s hybrid Volt will soon be joined by the Bolt. Ranges on all electrics also seem to be rapidly expanding with each new iteration. With that in mind, let’s go see if we can find a way to get on the bandwagon – the electric bandwagon! That’s right, let’s look for older – preferably home-built – electric cars for sale. Just don’t lick the plug.
As always, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Since we’ve changed commenting systems, you may need to update your commenter account. Make sure you have a Disqus account – they’re free and easy to get – and then comment away.

Got that? Good, now like JJ Abrams says, let’s go back to go forward.

Pixar’s Cars was released in 2006, and so were a lot of real cars, trucks and bikes that might today make either terrific deals or stomach churning wallet emptiers. It’s that kind of inscrutability that makes life interesting, don’t you think?
If you’re into strict scrutability then maybe you’d want to avoid options from 2006 like the 87K BMW M5 found by ptschett, or the tempting but almost certain to be a money pit VW Phaeton dug up by smalleyxb122. That one needs some headwork. Instead, you might want to jump on the depreciation freight train that is the BMW 750iL (V12!) located by bigredcavetroll, or the Saturn Vue Redline, which should actually give you some pretty good bang for your buck with its Honda-sourced V6 and AWD. That one was found by The Rusty Hub.
The most intriguing ad for a 2006 ride was this one for a BMW R1150GS. The Beemer Oilheads are a somewhat under-appreciated group of bikes, and this one looks to be kitted out for the long haul. Of course with almost as many miles as that 750iL it’s already done some long hauling. Jeepster found this week’s winnah!
Thanks to all of you for your excellent used car truck (and bike)-fu, and congrats to Jeepster for bringing home the win.
Craigslist Crapshoot

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43 responses to “Craigslist Crapshoot”

  1. Sjalabais Avatar

    Does it have to be homemade? Because factory electric cars of old trigger all the goofy clichees…
    There’s the Weecar Elena:
    The Reva looks forever lost:
    A Th!nk City with 5 of 140 battery cells destroyed, thus not driving. Can’t be the hardest fix?:
    This Buddy Citijet 6 has about 20km of battery life left per charge. Excellent if you need to drive to your mailbox every morning.
    Finally, a real car, sort of: A Citroën Saxo with just as much driving distance per charge left:

  2. PotbellyJoe★★★★★ Avatar
    Electric 1991 Alfa Romeo 164 Factory Mint Interior – Milwaukee
    100% Electric Alfa Romeo 164, 120v drive train. Runs good, interior is mint, exterior is in very good condition. Asking $3,500 Obo, Has LED headlights and Fog lights. MUST See!!!
    Costs about $0.15 for a full charge. Seats 5, power seats and windows, new rear struts and springs.
    CALL , no text 106000 Miles on ODO.

    It even has an AC Milan towel in the back seat.
    Can’t be any more unreliable than what it replaced. The chocked wheels give great confidence that this conversion was done carefully and meticulously with 0 compromises. The batteries in the trunk are a nice touch too.

    1. Alff Avatar

      I don’t want it, but I’ll find a home for the bits that were removed.

    2. The Rusty Hub Avatar
      The Rusty Hub

      Came here to post this. This thing has been for sale for going on 2-1/2 years, at least. The seller has only come down $1,000 on it, too.

      1. PotbellyJoe★★★★★ Avatar

        Yep, that’s why i knew where to look. I’m in CNJ craigslist area, not Chicago.

    3. Monkey10is Avatar

      The “AC” and “Milan” is a joke, surely?
      (When Alfa finally do produce an electric car “AC Milano” has to be the PERFECT name.)

      1. Rover 1 Avatar
        Rover 1

        Maybe just for Soccer fans?

    4. Vairship Avatar

      It’s listed on the Chicago Craigslist because it’s for sale in Milwaukee? Judging by the map it was created by Greendale Community College…

      1. PotbellyJoe★★★★★ Avatar

        No idea, I just know of it on the Chicago CL, my brother lives out there and we always find the weird stuff, so I went looking for it.

  3. bigredcavetroll Avatar

    This is the only one I could find within two hours of me:
    It’s a two door Cherokee (with a manual transmission!) that was converted to electric and has a burnt out controller. Electric conversions don’t usually upset me, but this one kind of does, because I’d really like to have a clean two door Cherokee with a manual transmission. Oh, and it’s only $800. Could make for a nice clean shell I suppose.

    1. Rover 1 Avatar
      Rover 1

      How hard is it to get a real motor?

      1. bigredcavetroll Avatar

        There are many parts Cherokees around me for under $800, but sadly I don’t have the room around me to do a swap, and I’m moving in June.

        1. Rover 1 Avatar
          Rover 1

          Yes. I know what it’s like to move with a small car collection. Hopefully you’re moving to more spacious estate-like premises?

          1. bigredcavetroll Avatar

            Hopefully a place with a garage at least.

  4. mrh1965 Avatar

    Nothing in Houston, that I could find, but I expanded the search to Austin and lo and behold an electric 89 Isuzu in need of new batteries for $3500 popped up..

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      Is it slammed because of the weight of the batteries?

  5. mdharrell Avatar

    A ’93 Ford Ranger for $1550 is probably an okay price for a vehicle with a claimed range of eighteen miles. The transmission “needs work but runs” however. Also the wiring harness is fairly casual.

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      Eighteen miles? Um, okay.

      1. mdharrell Avatar

        I see no reason to be more sensitive to range anxiety with an electric than I already am with my other vehicles.

        1. Vairship Avatar

          With most of your vehicles you don’t WANT too much range though – it’ll take too long to walk home!

  6. Wayne Moyer Avatar
    Wayne Moyer

    So a 1974 Electric Bug for under $2k seems kind of odd. Add in that they have overpowered it with 15 8 volt batteries in the truck. Not to mention the interior is in good shape as well and you get a lot of questions. The lister claims it will run at highway speeds. Oh except for one thing.
    He lost the key.

    1. mad_science Avatar

      Can convert a whole car to electric propulsion
      …but can’t find a way to hotwire?

      1. Wayne Moyer Avatar
        Wayne Moyer


  7. The Real Number_Six Avatar
    The Real Number_Six

    Not sure this is a coupe, but Dynasty Coupe anyway.
    20 mile range and 30mph top speed seem sub-optimal but saving the planet doesn’t happen overnight.
    **Edit: “I just spent over $2000 in wheel upgrades”. Oops!

    1. bigredcavetroll Avatar

      I do like the wheels and tires, but not $2000 like.

      1. The Real Number_Six Avatar
        The Real Number_Six

        Maybe if that $2000 of wheel and tire had been shoved under a real Mini Cooper, but not this.

    2. Monkey10is Avatar

      Breaking news: The estate of Aaron Spelling has just issued a cease and desist letter…

  8. Guest Avatar

    Why buy a truck when you just fill the box with batteries? Why not put them in the now empty engine bay instead?

    EDIT: Traction? If so, why not find another use for the engine bay, like turning it into a frunk?

    Anyway, $7 500 doesn’t seem too bad, especially since these kits, and all the batteries requred, are usually pretty pricey.$_27.JPG$_27.JPG

  9. ptschett Avatar

    Here’s an odd little van-bodied truck thing. I’m assuming this was meant for meter-maid, dogcatcher, etc kind of usage.

    1. mrh1965 Avatar

      Grand Forks? I hope the heater is most excellent! If it has one.

    2. Vairship Avatar

      Dogcatcher? I’m pretty sure most dogs can outrun that thing…

  10. Jeepster Avatar

    2006 Sable for $2000 with little info ? ( bonus fender Buick holes )

  11. Jeepster Avatar

    1973 VW for $4700 ( bonus 1971 Camaro Citrus green paint code )

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      They forgot a “c” right in the middle if that license plate. Today, this looks like a winner to me.

      1. Jeepster Avatar

        Thanks, did you read the part where several of these were used in “Total Recall” & destroyed afterwards…. enjoy the ride.

      2. Monkey10is Avatar

        Or an “n”?

  12. Lokki Avatar

    How about a Corbin Sparrow?
    You won’t one of these babies just anywhere you know, as only 300 were ever made (between 1998 and 2001) -why this one had to be hunted down at a towing impound yard. And in Yellow with Purple flames?

  13. 0A5599 Avatar

    OK, so it isn’t home built, but it’s worse quality than most that are, and for only $900, you can drive it home (assuming you live within about 3 miles).
    See that dent on the fender? It’s caused by a rock discharged from a lawnmower. Brake recall has not been performed because, well, the manufacturer never followed through and was ordered to buy back all the cars. Stopping is overrated, anyway.

      1. Rover 1 Avatar
        Rover 1

        Stone flicked up as the mower performed an overtaking move ?

    1. Jeepster Avatar

      Check out the awesome CJ3-b Willys behind that crap trap !!

    2. Texlenin Avatar

      “No Mickey Mouse wiring!” Maybe because it’s already built in?
      Read the reports- damn, that thing is scary.