Welcome to Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly search for the most bizarre, awesome, and/or terrible vehicles that the online classifieds has to offer.
Stick Shift Wagon would make a great tattoo, either across the shoulder blades for the gents, or right above the coin slot for the ladies. We sought just such a rare beast last week (the car, not the tat) and you know what, they ain’t all that rare. Some good stuff was found, and we’ll see which one sticks the landing the most in just a sec. First however, this week’s challenge.
Summer is upon us, in fact as of last week the days are actually getting shorter here in the Northern Hemisphere. What they are doing in the South is anybody’s guess. I hear the toilet water swirls the other way down there and that’s freaky enough to keep me away. No matter where you live I’ll bet that you’ll agree that when you were a kid there was nothing better on a hot summer day than to hear clown music that signaled the arrival of the Ice Cream Man in his Ice Cream truck. As adults, that music probably skeeves you out, but that’s still what we’re looking for this week – that’s right, I want you to find us some Ice Cream trucks for sale.
As always, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Since we’ve changed commenting systems, you may need to update your commenter account. Make sure you have a Disqus account – they’re free and easy to get – and then comment away.
What do you suppose it is about station wagons that makes many of us fell all warm and fuzzy inside? Do you suppose it’s the iconic role they play as the traditional mother’s car? There’s no one we love more than our moms, but hopefully Oedipus never wrecked your wagon when you were growing up.
If anyone wanted to get into the whole wagon thing, there’s a lot of opportunity to do so and still give your left leg something to do other than just keeping you from tipping out the door. Manual-equipped wagons are not all that commonplace, and seeing as we set a price limit of $3K for ours, it’s surprising how many cool rides showed up. Some of the most notable among those were a Rambler found by 1977ChevyTruck and a cool Amazon longroof that was located by mdharrell. Perhaps the most audacious, if not the roomiest and maybe the rustiest was this rare manual-equipped 1984 Suburban found by P161911. For the price – and the natural A/C – that’s hard to beat. Congrats to P161911, and thank you all for participating. Now, I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream… trucks.
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