"4×4 Lotus Elite" Leads to a Quagmire of Fiberglass Projects

Lotus Elite Body I’ve had this Lotus Elite “4×4” parked in my eBay saved items list for a few months now. It might’ve been a better fit for Truck Thursday, but it turns out there’s nothing “4×4” about it; the seller’s just got it sitting atop a 4×4 chassis as a serving suggestion, just like the nonexistent blueberries on my cereal box. What your $650 gets you is a body shell and nothing more. No motor or chassis, though the seller has other Elite parts on offer. Hopefully he didn’t part it out, only to sell the pieces back individually.

1978 mopar racer kitLotus Elite Body

Whenever stumbling across a WTFmobile on eBay, it’s worthwhile to poke through the seller’s other offerings. You might find a level of crazy/awesome to rival our CerealMarshmallows guy. Their eBay store currently has two kit cars (a Fiberfab Aztec and a Kellison), along with various bits and pieces from interesting machinery. Additionally, this seller’s ad links to race-cardrivers.com. Aside from making me nostalgic for the mid-90s, the site seems to be a gold(?) mine of fiberglass kit cars, but those focused on actual racing, not just looking like Ferraris. Give ’em a look and peer into a world where people live in Project Car Hell professionally.

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