To Serve and Protect – Akro-Police Edition


As a precursor of sorts to the upcoming slew of Greek island content on these very pages – due to my recent trip way down south where’s its sunny and warm – here’s what Greece’s finest get around in. It’s a semi-recent Citroën C4, and you don’t need no stinkin’ hubcaps when you have crooks to catch.

[Image: Copyright 2013 Hooniverse/Antti Kautonen]

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3 responses to “To Serve and Protect – Akro-Police Edition”

  1. Ross_K Avatar

    You can't blame immigrants for the financial problems in Greece. The Greeks put themselves in the position they're in now.
    Everybody was on the gravy train, paying taxes when they felt like it..
    Speaking of trains – weren't Hellenic Railways train drivers earning 60-70k per year?
    And you blame immigrants for the country being broke?

    1. panrvan Avatar

      I am blaming ILLEGAL Immigration – if you can make the distinction between the process allowed to go on by inept governments and the immigrants themselves, after all they are trying to escape war zones – that accounts for 10 to 20% of the population of the country. Put 20% more demand on anything that you buy and see what happens. Put that same 20% increase on the already badly run hospitals, or schools, or what have you, and they collapse. Greece has 13676 km (about 8500 miles) of coastline most of it unprotected (check out this:… ) ranking 11th in the world. The US is in 8th place.
      As for the "gravy train" don't believe everything you read. Most people with reported income (from a job or rent) can not evade taxes. Yes, there is tax evasion by people in many service industries, but do you think that there is no tax evasion from the same categories in this country? Value Added Tax is 28%, and though not directly comparable with sale tax here in the US, it is paid by Greeks and Tourists pretty much everywhere. What do you think the average American would do if he had to pay 28% sales tax? Yeah buy from Amazon.
      Train drivers earning how much? Maybe their "Appointed" (cronies from the political party in power) managers, or union bosses (most of them communists) that call for strikes to… extend long weekends. But I think you have a point. Maybe they should pay them minimum wage. I believe it is 550 euros ($ 715) per month. By the way lets do the same for airline pilots. What the heck lets pay everybody minimum wage! That will make the Germans happy.
      Yeah the whole place is a mess, but I would not blame the Greek people, rather the inept and corrupt governments they keep voting for.

  2. Roberto G. Avatar
    Roberto G.

    No stinkin’ hubcap is missing… most probably it's in the trunk, together with the flat that was replaced by the spare tiny wheely.