Badges? We Don't Need No Stinking. . .Oh Wait, Yeah We Do!
Ever wonder what the badge on your car looks like, but were just too damn lazy to get up and walk out to the garage to find out? Or maybe someone once asked you “does the Matra logo look like a stylized rooster?” and you could only shrug and mumble something about cheese-eating surrender monkeys.…
Hooniverse Asks- Dark Meat or White Meat?
The top car colors have traditionally been black, white and silver, although they alternate in order year to year. While certain cars just look better in a lighter or darker hue, what’s your personal preference? Do you like your car to be tighty-whitie clean, or satan-soul black? Or, somewhere in the middle?
T-Topped TVR Taimar Tickles Temptation in Toronto
Canadians get all the breaks- real maple syrup; chicks on their money; and a mysterious appreciation for the sport of ice hockey. All that burns our non-Canadian bacon down here in the land where football is king and our money is un-fappable. But what really torques our touques is that they also get T-tops on their…
Australian V8 SuperCars: A Primer for North Americans
Alright, class, settle down, take a seat, and pay very close attention. This is going to be very important very soon. I know it may not seem like it right now, but in a month, you’re going to thank me. Why? Because our prayers have been answered. That’s right kids, FOX has finally done something…
Last Call- Coolest Mugshot Ever
Steve Mcqueen was the coolest. He was cooler than you, and cooler than me. He was even cooler than Anchorage Alaska in winter, which is where he got popped for drunk driving after doing brodies in a rented ’72 Toronado. When tasked with walking the white line down the center of the street as part…
Ricer Wings Save the Planet
Here’s an idea who’s time has come. Designed by Leon Zhu, from China, it’s a folding solar panel that stores in your car’s fashionably massive rear-wing! When you’re parked, it unfolds to provide both shade and a jolt. When you’re on the move, it stores in the slamin’ big spoiler.
For Literary Success, Know Your Audience
I stumbled across this book in a Chapters recently. One might think it was in the children’s section, or the “easy reading” section; no, it was in the “reference” section. I wish I were kidding, but it was sitting right beside an 800+ page book with a name like “A Comprehensive History of Formula One…
Ode to the Imp: Never Was So Much Done by So Little a Car with So Few CCs.
Ah, the Hillman Imp – tiny, awesome, woefully underdeveloped, and with the awesome-est dorky greenhouse to grace a vehicle (including the BMW 2002). It looked like a demented fever-dream of Alec Issigonis, and it was powered by a fire pump engine. It should appeal to every hoon worth his or her salt.
Hooniverse Asks- What Car Do you Wish Was Made, But Isn't?
Entry-level Porsche, Mid-engine Corvette, or the mythical phoenix that is the Pontiac Trans Am, is there a car out there that, if they’d just build the damn thing, you’d be camped in front of the dealer to buy one?
"Hammerhead Motors" (aka Top Gear) Issues iThrust Press Release
Heard about the beautiful exciting awesome interesting Hammerhead iThrust, and considering buying one, but need to hear more? Never fear! Top Gear Hammerhead Motors has issued a press release to talk up their new… uh… creation. Now, re-printing press releases is normally antithetical to our entire belief system and structure of values here at Hooniverse,…
25-year-late Endorsement, REVEALED!
Well, after the jump, of course…
Nitro Recall Makes Us Go Whaaaaa?
Autoblog reports that Chrysler is recalling 85,000 2007 Dodge Nitro sport utilities due to an issue with the windshield wipers. Normally we wouldn’t find this newsworthy here on the Hoon – that’s what Autoblog is for – save for one little bit of information contained in the story – 85,000 people bought Nitros in 2007!…
The Motoraunt
A few weeks ago, we told you about a restaurant we had discovered, the Motoraunt. Unfortunately, at the time, we were already predisposed, and couldn’t partake of the experience immediately. Well, it took a few weeks, but we were finally able to have dinner there. And it was an experience we will not soon forget.
What to do For Dessert on Thanksgiving
If you happen to be in the Los Angeles area on Thursday, and don’t want the family fun to end with the pumpkin pie, then round up the young’ins and head over to the Toyota Speedway in Irwindale for the 69th running of the Lucas Oil Turkey Night Grand Prix, which is presented by Agajanian…
Last Call- It's All in Your Perspective
A pair of mid-’70s two-door, nominally five-passenger, coupes for your pleasure- one an example of taut German efficiency, and the other of unbridled American prosperity.
Help a Hoon: Curse of the Neun-Elf
There are many tasks that are difficult, and then there are those peculiar few challenges that seem completely insurmountable. This is where only eagles dare, where the brave stalwartly reside. And then there are tasks that make grown men weep: like conducting an intervention on a Porschephile to cure him of his self-destructive habit.