This Craigslist ad for a 1978 Datsun Z-car seems pretty straight forward, aside from some chuckle-worthy spell-check errors- leather sits, neck turner, etc. But when buying anything, it’s always a good idea to read the fine print before taking the plunge.
This looks like a fairly decent Fairlady Z, and at an asking price of $7,499, it’s not too dear. But don’t get too excited about it without giving the entire ad a good read.
The seller, when he’s not providing evidence that English is isn’t his primary language, gives a good description of the car, and enthusiastically promotes its virtues. But while all that seems encouraging, there’s something alarming that comes up in his keyword list-
That salvage title is a red flag that’ll send many a buyer to greener pink slips when perusing the fertile fields that is Craigslist.
Another thing to note is that, while he is listing Dodge Viper, BMW and Mercedes in his keywords, he neglects to list Datsun or 280Z. Craigslist much?
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