Last Call: Car Carried Away Edition

Looks like the new Chevy’s will be a little late this year.
Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day.  It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.
Image: Imgur

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28 responses to “Last Call: Car Carried Away Edition”

  1. mve Avatar

    Keep the cars. Give me the snub nose.

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      Do what it takes to make it dependable, and other than tires, don’t change anything visible unless absolutely necessary.

  2. Tanshanomi Avatar

    Some of you may remember Juliet C., who was a semi-regular Hooniverse commenter for a while. Well, I run into her husband every once in a while through work. I saw him today and mentioned that I had not seen any comments from her for a while. He told me that she was knocked unconscious while waterskiing last summer and has been having chronic vertigo and vision problems since then. So send out some prayers or positive thoughts for her.

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      Oh no! That’s rotten. Some people think, Oh, Well, You were waterskiing, you knew the risks took, bla-bla-blame the victim. But you know what? If you can’t take a few moments out of your life to go waterskiing (or, say, dirt bike riding in Mexico… just off the top of my head) then what the heck are you working for?
      As a metal fabricator, I live in constant dread of just such an injury, or any bone injury, or any injury. But I’m damned if I’ll let that stop me from bicycling and motorcycling for commuting and pleasure.
      Get well soon, or discover some wicked cool clairvoyant ability, Juliet C!

    2. Guest Avatar


      It always scares me when a regular commenter disappears for a bit, with no indication of why.

      That’s for passing the information on, and pass on our goodwill and best wishes.

    3. Rover 1 Avatar
      Rover 1

      Head injury symptons can last and linger for years, as I found out eight years ago.And it doesn’t matter how it happened. An injury is an injury. Your bruised brain doesn’t know the difference.
      Time is the healer.

    4. ConstantReader Avatar

      Positive thoughts indeed! I have periodic vertigo and it sucks! And that’s when I’m not battling periodic attacks of gout. Get well soon, Juliet C.

    5. Dabidoh_Sambone Avatar

      The thrill of water skiing for me was eclipsed by the horrible pain of splashing down face-first so hard I thought I’d imploded both my eyes – eyes that twenty years ago both went through grueling radial-keratotomy surgery. The half hour before I could see again was something I elect to never repeat and the nagging neck pain that’s dogged me for the past decade is a reality. I’d like to spend my middle aged and golden years in a mostly pain-free state, so wrenching on interesting cars is a better hobby, thanks.
      That said, I’d like to send Juliet C. my best wishes for a permanent recovery.

    6. dukeisduke Avatar

      Oh man. Sending some prayers up right now. I hope she can the find the right doctor, to fix the problem.

  3. Alff Avatar

    A junk collector with a sense of style.

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      Everything set for a post-apocalypse highway scene.

  4. Batshitbox Avatar

    Can I just buy that whole bunch and put it straight in to a museum? Only for a little bit, then I swear I’ll restore them to at least running condition. Imagine seeing that parking lot in your side view!

  5. Tomsk Avatar

    Rip van Winkle’s car transporter driver career didn’t last long. Well, for him it lasted 60 years, but his employer actually sacked him after the third day.

  6. Scoutdude Avatar

    What a find.

  7. Rover 1 Avatar
    Rover 1

    From the wear, not just tri-year Chevies, but Chevies from the trying years ?

  8. dead_elvis Avatar

    Instead of
    what about “Don’t laugh, your daughter might work here!” (100% SFW)

    1. mve Avatar

      This explains why women buy them so often these days.

  9. Sjalabais Avatar

    Ok, this might be totally irrelevant for everyone, but I wonder if you guys could help me…Google forms! I’m trying to send myself a form-based report as a pdf. The problem is, I don’t receive any emails. Debugging doesn’t help much, since that only tells me which values are “undefined” (they are being defined the instant one fills out the form). My coding experience stems from the days of TurboPascal and .bat-files, and I have lately realised I need to shape up. Trying to figure out Android, and this is a little experiment at work. But I had forgotten the lost feeling of “what now?”…
    Here’s the code:
    // Samfunnsutvikling kursrapport
    var docTemplate = “1iNXn9rorWV2F8-6DzB2ffQN4zDwVbkvf4UpjnSFfG8E”;
    var docName = “Kursrapport”;
    // When Form Gets submitted
    function onFormSubmit(e) {
    //Get information from form and set as variables
    var email = “”;
    var namn = e.namedvalues.namn;
    var arrangement = e.namedvalues.arrangement;
    var dato = e.namedvalues.dato;
    var referat = e.namedvalues.referat;
    // Get document template, copy it as a new temp doc, and save the Doc’s id
    var copyId = DocsList.getFileById(docTemplate)
    .makeCopy(docName+’ for ‘+namn)
    // Open the temporary document
    var copyDoc = DocumentApp.openById(copyId);
    // Get the document’s body section
    var copyBody = copyDoc.getActiveSection();
    // Replace place holder keys,in our google doc template
    copyBody.replaceText(‘keynamn’, namn);
    copyBody.replaceText(‘keyarrangement’, arrangement);
    copyBody.replaceText(‘keydato’, dato);
    copyBody.replaceText(‘keyreferat’, referat);
    // Save and close the temporary document
    // Convert temporary document to PDF
    var pdf = DocsList.getFileById(copyId).getAs(“application/pdf”);
    // Attach PDF and send the email
    var subject = “Kursrapport”;
    var body = “Kursrapporten frå ” + namn + “”;
    GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, body, {htmlBody: body, attachments: pdf});
    // Delete temp file

    1. Tanshanomi Avatar

      I think you may have skipped an instruction — where is the command to synchronize the cardinal grammeters?
      (Sorry, but I can be of zero help. I couldn’t read javascript if my life depended on it!)

    2. ConstantReader Avatar

      Wouldn’t it be more helpful to ask this in a geek forum?

      1. Sjalabais Avatar

        Definitely, and I did. It’s just that I’ve experienced this very crowd here as extraordinarily well-educated, diverse and helpful (drum roll), so why not give it a try? 🙂

  10. tonyola Avatar

    I’d love to know the backstory behind this phenomenom. How is it that a Chevy COE and four ’56s end up in the woods? Is this some kind of Close Encounters of the Third Kind thing?

    1. Vairship Avatar

      Maybe he parked, went to sleep, and didn’t notice some of his Oakridge seeds fell out of his pocket. And the next morning, he was trapped in a brand-new forest…

  11. ConstantReader Avatar

    Can you say “challenging restoration”?

  12. I_Borgward Avatar

    There’s an explanation:

    1. dukeisduke Avatar

      Sun Records? Whoa.

  13. Tomsk Avatar

    Uh…people? It’s for sale!