In the movie Jurassic Park, Jeff Goldbloom’s character – an egghead specializing in chaos theory – provides one of the film’s most memorable quotes: your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should. I happen to be of the opinion that sentiment could be applied to a number of cars when it comes to performance. Consider if you will, the luxury sedan. Now, what sort of top speed to you think a high-end four door should possess? It’s alright, no one’s going to judge you… What? Are you insane? Why would you need to go that fast in something with a built-in bar and butt massager? Me, I’d like to make the journey last. The truth be told, there are certain cars that are insanely fast or blindingly quick, just because they can – their manufacturers have enough cash to make it so. I wager that not all of them need to be. What about you, do you think there are cars that are just too fast to be able to be enjoyed by the greater fan base, or are too quick so as to be dangerous? What do you say, are there any really fast cars that really don’t need to be? Image: nice-cool-pics
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