When it comes to film, it’s rare that a sequel is as good as the original. It’s even rarer – I mean, almost never-ever – that a classic movie remake is anywhere as good as the first one run through the projector. That’s definitely the case with Gone in 60 Seconds. The original Gone in 60 Seconds is a ’70s crashploitation classic. The ’90s remake, on the other hand, has Nicholas Cage in it. We’re going to put that Cagey remake right out of your mind today with a trailer for the restored and digitally remastered edition of the genuine original. That means you’ll be able to see the original Eleanor Mustang in all her mustard-poo glory, revel in the non-stop destruction of all 93 cars, and pretend you’re living a fast-paced life of crime as you ride along with H.B. Halicki while he sweats through the attempt to steal 48 cars – including the aforementioned Mustang. Check out all the car-nage after the jump.
Great news! The original movie (with its equally original ’70s porno soundtrack) is available to watch online, and you can catch it right now.
Source: YouTube
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