Flat-Fender Friday: Surprisingly Cheap 1942 Ford Jeep GP

1942 ford gpw for saleYou know Jeep is cursed, right? Every company that’s owned the brand has fallen on hard times and been bought out: The US government loved Bantam’s prototype 4×4 1/4-ton runabout, but preferred Willys’ motor. Willys got the contract, but was unable to supply enough volume, so Ford was also licensed to produce the GPW. After the war, Willys was purchased by Kaiser who was purchased by AMC who was purchased by Chrysler who was purchased merged as equals with Daimler-Benz who dumped them to Cerberus to dumped them to Fiat. Look out Sergio. Anyway, today’s find is a actually pretty rare, but surprisingly not all that valuable 1942 Ford GPW. Someone more pedantic than me could probably identify more details about its year or intended customer from the fuel filler, rear Ford script and presence of a hand crank. It’s running some form of non-running flathead four, what looks like modified suspension and…that’s about all the details. On one hand a Ford GP seems like it should be worth more than $2500, but on the other it appears to have lost much of the originality that would’ve added value (and I’d assume 1942 mil-spec parts are totally no longer avaialble). As-is, it’s just another non-running flat fender…for which $2500 sounds about right. LS swap, anyone? 1942 Ford Jeep GPW – SFBay Craigslist

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