Craigslist: This is a 2010 Ferrari Enzo "Reproduction", not a kit car

Ferrari Enzo repro 1

There are times when you see a car which just leaves you speechless. Unfortunately for us that could be either Duesenberg or the International “Truckcar“. This, unfortunately, is the case of the latter. The amazing part is that someone actually took the time and effort to create this thing.

Ferrari Enzo repro 2

Ferrari Enzo repro 3

From the ad:

2010 Ferrari Enzo Reproduction – $19500 (Rogersville, TN)

2010 Ferrari Enzo Reproduction – All Steel Tube Frame – V6 Auto – Over 3,000 hours in fabrication – this is the only one – This is Steel unfinished – Sell as is – Lost Storage – $19,500 obo – Contact me at 423-272-XXXX

Location: Rogersville, TN

it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests


Ferrari Enzo repro 7

Pictures are worth a thousand words, and they shall speak for themselves.

Source: Knoxville Craigslist – come to think of it, the International “Truckcar” was also from Knoxville. What the hell is wrong with you, Knoxville?

Ferrari Enzo repro 5

 close enough


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39 responses to “Craigslist: This is a 2010 Ferrari Enzo "Reproduction", not a kit car”

  1. FrankTheCat Avatar

    Good heavens, that body must weigh two tons alone.
    There's a reason Ferrari used carbon fiber, you know.

  2. muthalovin Avatar

    Swap in a diesel, add a turret, and you have the ultimate track-day terror.

  3. Jeff Glucker Avatar
    Jeff Glucker

    I imagine this is how he says one of the lines…
    "This is steel… (pause, light cigarette, blow out smoke) …unfinished" *walk off into sunset*

    1. Josh_Howard Avatar

      omg wow.. perfect

    2. FrankTheCat Avatar

      [youtube 6YMPAH67f4o youtube]

    3. Irishzombieman Avatar

      They didn't have a motion called "Lights A Cigarette," dang it.

  4. Don Avatar

    There are no words…

    1. needthatcar Avatar

      Oh I don't know about that. Here are a few:
      Shit fence ugly
      Total waste
      Tom Six-esque
      Crime against humanity
      Steaming pile

    2. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      Time to trot out the blinking Gallagher again…
      <img src=""&gt;

      1. OA5599 Avatar

        You call that a Gallagher? This is a Gallagher!
        <img src=""&gt;

  5. JayP2112 Avatar

    He must be working from a description of an Enzo having never seen one.

  6. OA5599 Avatar

    Somebody had the vision to build this, and the talent and determination to execute the plan to this point. It's a shame that he didn't have the funds to see it all the way through.
    Now his dream is shattered, he'll never make up the lost time or the money spent on this, his friends/family are going to rub his nose in "I told you so", and the world will chalk this up as yet another example of why you shouldn't be ambitious.

    1. Sjalabais Avatar

      I agree with you. The result of his work is buttugly and deserves ridicule, but man…I don't even find the time to repaint my fence.

      1. OA5599 Avatar

        Time to try a different approach for the fence.
        <img src=""&gt;

        1. Sjalabais Avatar

          Haha, nowadays boys know a scam when they see one. At least outside of Knoxville.

  7. Impalamino Avatar

    I bet he totally got an "A" at Knoxville Community College's "Intro to Welding" weekend course.

    1. JayP2112 Avatar

      This fella is the welding pride of Walter's State (Rogersville's community college).

  8. Irishzombieman Avatar

    Seriously, I admire his ambition, and hate my cynical self for thinking first of this poster when I saw this.
    <img src="; width=400>

  9. erikgrad Avatar

    No need to tell us, we know the steel is unfinished…

  10. goatmonsterman Avatar

    lemons-worthy. someone call murilee.

  11. POLAЯ Avatar

    Whaddya know, you CAN throw up out of your fingetips!
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      Looks like he's about to drink a bottle of 7-Up.

  12. Alff Avatar

    He has a bright future … in HVAC.

  13. Goodwin Avatar

    It has to be the car that the bad guys drive in the new Mad Max flick

  14. POLAЯ Avatar

    Sting: There's a hole in my heart as deep as a well for that poor
    Knoxville boy, who built the Enzo from Hell..
    Sideshow Mel: Though we can't get the vision out, we'll do the next best
    McBane: We'll go on Hooniverse and sing, sing, sing!
    All: And we're sending our love down to the Enzo from Hell..
    Krusty: All the way down!
    All: We're sending our love down to the Enzo from Hell…
    Krusty: Down to Hell!

    1. Irishzombieman Avatar

      We miss you when you're not around.

    2. scroggzilla Avatar

      Well played, sir.

  15. salguod Avatar

    Me thinks he shifted a decimal place in his price. Or two.
    Also, how did this not win last week's Craig'slist Craptastic Shootout?

  16. rennsport964 Avatar

    Enzo Rat Rod?

  17. colorblinded Avatar

    It has a nice patina to it.

  18. Ammocabby Avatar

    Perhaps this is the Discovery Channel's new TIV 3 for the new season of "Storm Chasers".

  19. joedunlap Avatar

    Would love to see the "All Steel Tube Frame" with the body off. If the one weld I can see through the open engine cover is any indication, the "All Steel Tube Frame" has got to be a helluva lot scarier than the body. And square tubing? Geeesh!

  20. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

    Complicate and remove lightness. The mantra of the Anti-Chapman.

    1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      "Complicate and remove lightness. The mantra of the man with few tools, few skills, and few available options."
      Fixed it for you.

  21. MattC Avatar

    I hate to slam anyone trying to fabricate a project car. However, at what point of the build you do objectively look at your creation and realize that it has gone horribly wrong.

    1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      The point right before you advertise it on CL.

  22. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

    I actually call shenanigans.
    This was actually dug up by archaeologists from a dig performed near a Pennsylvania steel mill. Artifacts found around the site were dated to around 1870. It is now assumed that this particular find can be attributed as the work of a group of pioneering steel fabricators who were thinking approximately 135 years ahead of their time.
    Any Enzo resemblance it may have is entirely coincidental.

  23. SVT2888 Avatar

    What a steel!