Craigslist Crapshoot

The World’s Worst Car Is For Sale On Craigslist

They say there’s an ass for every seat, and that heartening vulgarity is the likely reason that there exists in the world so much crap on the likes of Craigslist and other online classified providers. And THAT’S the reason we have Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly commenter compendium of crap that rivals a George Romero movie for its panoply of horrors.

last week I ask for a specific kind of crap – that being the worst road-worthy convertibles you could find for sale across the world’s classifieds, and boy did you deliver. We’ll get to the winner of that contest after the jump, but before we do we have some housekeeping to do. First off, no snipe hunt this week – we want all the crap that you can find. Just remember that the cars or trucks – or three-wheeled paper maché toads – need to be runners and licensable for the road.

The other thing is that it seems a good number of your responses are getting caught in our commenting system’s spam filter, and hence not getting the exposure they so richly deserve. There are a couple of ways to make sure your voice is heard – 

  1. Easiest way to not get caught in the spam filters is to create an IntenseDebate account. If you do so and your posts aren’t appearing, let us know at and we can put you on the whitelist
  2. If you don’t want an IDC account, you can create a account and do the same thing.
  3. If you’re the Ted Kaczynski type and don’t want any kind of account, then try to place only a single link in a comment and just drop any outgoing link in via its raw URL and not as a text link
Craigslist Crapshoot doesn’t work if your candidates don’t get seen, so hopefully following one of these options will ensure that the floodgates of crap are fully open. And speaking of open, follow me through the jump to see last week’s open-top Craigslist Crapshoot winner.
This week the award for Craigslist Crapshoot goes to Hoon Extraordinaire, FuzzyPlushroom for his contribution of this disturbingly macho-ized Geo Metro. Way to go FP! This one pushes all the right buttons – it’s a driver, its top goes up and down, and while these cars were generally terrible to begin with, this one gains extra points for its ill-considered modifications and need of “inner rocker” work. 


Convertible geo metro - $1250 (Acworth)


Source: [NH Craigslist]
We don’t normally do second place, this typically being like horseshoes and hand grenades, but this week we’re making an exception. That’s because this ’71 Impala found by fodder650, also warrants mention. That’s by virtue of its price, painter tape and drop cloth weather protection, and ad’s use of the term ‘breaks’. Well done to you as too, fodder650.


1971 impala convertible - $5500 (Pottstown, pa)


Source: [Reading Craigslist]

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151 responses to “Craigslist Crapshoot”

  1. muthalovin Avatar

    I was hoping for a theme! Oh well.
    For just 2 grand, yes, you can fulfill your lifelong dreams of Pinto ownership.
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. JayP2112 Avatar

      This is awesome.

    2. Robert Emslie Avatar
      Robert Emslie

      I love the flesh-colored ones.

      1. muthalovin Avatar

        Is it flesh-tone, or a pinto Pinto?

      2. Sjalabais Avatar

        Just remember not to hug it from behind, it might get…well…hot.

    3. fodder650 Avatar

      I'm trying to convince a Malaise lover on G+ to grab it. It's a collectible and even has the 70's bubble wrap seats! Add in a stick shift and its a steal at $2000.

    4. dukeisduke Avatar

      And you can re-enact the Prilosec OTC commercial that stars Larry the Cable Guy! Awesome!
      It's in Victoria (a German-settled town) where you first start to see palm trees, headed toward the Gulf.

    5. CABEZAGRANDE Avatar

      I want this. A 2.3 turbo with the Volvo DOHC head conversion, a T-5, and some subtle suspension upgrades….
      Could be the best little sleeper ever. That thing looks to be in just insanely good condition.

  2. muthalovin Avatar

    No pictures, and non-runners, apologies, but this is a fantastic deal, right guys?
    (7) Porsche 944 cars for sale – $1

  3. muthalovin Avatar

    Heather works (read the ad) so you don't have to in this stylish 1995 Geo Tracker for $1850.
    <img src=""&gt;

  4. fodder650 Avatar

    And now a dilemma.
    See I have the $100 Project Stella Mustang… and I was finally going to get down to work on it next month. I was pricing out engines and parts but then I find this looking or crap for this article.
    So for the price of the engine I could have a running convertible with the wrong transmission?! Crap I made a promise to Stella's previous owner I'd fix her up.
    <img src="; width=600 />

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      Looks like it includes an aluminium hood to lower the weight as well.
      Love the paint.

  5. muthalovin Avatar

    Now, lets get down to brass tax. This is a smoking good deal.
    1989 mercedez 300e – $650
    "Engine runs clutch just went out
    I'm not fixing it if u want it for parts or fix the clutch"
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

  6. muthalovin Avatar

    This is the only Volvo that I found for this week, sadly.
    1996 Volvo 850 wagon – $1700
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

      I had a worse one, bought for $700 with its second hood crunched in and one headlight shattered and dangling. One rear wheel arch disintegrated completely; it was made of Bondo, which I overlooked at the time of purchase… because the time of purchase was at night, in January, in Maine. Oh, and it needed a head gasket sooner or later, the PCV system was clogged as is usual, the throttle stuck and tried to kill me (and then the accelerator pedal bracket broke, and I had to work the throttle by hand between shifts) and I replaced the ground wire on the starter with a piece of bent aluminium wire.
      When I sold it, I drove it 80 miles with almost no brakes, downshifting to 5 MPH and then standing on the pedal to engage the barely-functional rear calipers. Traded it for a 244 that promptly required a clutch and an alternator. I still got the better end of the deal.

  7. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

    <img src=""&gt;
    Here's a celebratory Metro! (Cheers, Graverobber!) Surely not the worst thing out there, though, because…
    <img src=""&gt;
    …the ad for this Subaru is a comedy goldmine, and being in Everett, it may or may not be legitimately owned!
    And on that note…
    <img src=""&gt;
    …how about the world's fuzziest Kia? This one's almost guaranteed a sketchball history, too, being in some inner-city wrecking yard and, well, being an older Kia.
    That said, I actually feel like this is the scariest contender…
    <img src=""&gt;
    Old Benz, good… low mileage, that's nice… kind of creepy and possessed-looking, even the right colour for Christine… what do you mean, 'short distances'? 'Mostly for parts'? Oh no. Ohhhhh no. No way.
    Not crap… just terrifying.

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      If you are willing to go down to $600 why are you listing it for $600?!

      1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

        Believe me, I wondered that, too.
        I'm hoping for a 'terrible ad' competition. Now that I'm living closer to the city, there's a lot of illiterate foreigners in addition to the usual illiterate rednecks.

    2. Alcology Avatar

      I would pick a lot more towns that are way creepier for automobiles than everett. I knew a guy in high school from revere who had a fun insurance scam going. He and his buddies would push cars they no longer wanted off piers and claim they were stolen and collect on them. Rinse and repeat. Lowell and Lynn probably have their own stories of automotive hell. Hell, brockton alone probably beats them all!

      1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

        I live in Lowell at the moment.
        I'm also drinking at the moment.
        This isn't a coincidence.
        I'd definitely say Brockton has 'em beat, though. Jamal here would like to sell you a set of dubs… odds on 'em being stolen?

        1. Alcology Avatar

          Jamal? That dude is legit!

      1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

        I actually laughed out loud. I'd give you ten thumbs up if I could.

    3. JayP2112 Avatar

      The E Class- SBC, Evo body kit, TSWs for the DTM look. That would be awesome.

  8. muthalovin Avatar

    Oh, and probably the best thing I have ever seen on Craigslist, ever.
    1988 Volvo 740 GLE sedan – $350
    "$350 hard price! Runs fine, only 185K right now and will quite possibly run for another 100K. A/C works great. It is standard and has a fairly new clutch put in."
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

      Those are pretty rare with a manual (four plus overdrive)… and for the price, you can't go wrong. Why do you not already own this?

      1. muthalovin Avatar

        Hell if I know. Probably because my wife. Yeah, that sounds like a good enough excuse.

        1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

          For $350, don't ask, just buy. You can make your money back selling it to a LeMons team.

        2. danleym Avatar

          Usually a solid excuse for not doing something car related.

  9. pj134 Avatar

    I don't know if motorcycles are acceptable, but this had to be shared anyway.
    <img src="; width=500>
    The "Sports Hog"

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      How the hell are we going to top this?

      1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

        BRB, off to find more poorly-riced shitboxen.

        1. fodder650 Avatar

          Trust me I am diving all over my local Craigslist as well.

      2. dead_elvis Avatar

        How the hell do you RIDE this? (other than in shame)

        1. jeepjeff Avatar

          Looks like there are foot rests added up front, so it's monkey style. However, that still leaves plenty of room for some testacular ergonomic discomfort against the gas tank.
          It took me a moment to spot those foot rests. Part of that time was overcoming the shock from trying to figure out how you bend your arms that way…

          1. dead_elvis Avatar

            I've never understood ape hangers, on anything. But on this poor GSXR, they make even less sense.
            Of course, nothing about this makes sense.

          2. jeepjeff Avatar

            Oh yeah. There was so much dafuq coming off that picture that I've tried to hit the +1 on it at least five times. Alas, only the first click worked.

    2. danleym Avatar

      I'm sorry, you have to wait for the "Two Wheel Trashbin" series before you can post that.

  10. danleym Avatar

    A $14,000 1983 Chevy C20?
    <img src=""&gt;
    Ok, so once you read the ad a little you can tell (if you can get over the caps lock) that there has been a ton of work done, and if everything works as well as advertised, it really may not be that bad a price. But the lead pic sure makes you wonder why the steep price. <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. muthalovin Avatar

      I thought maybe it came with the gas station for 14 grand.

      1. Vairship Avatar

        The gas station doesn't look very busy, so it'd STILL be a bad buy.

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      Now why would you run out of interest on a project like that?

    1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

      Those headlights… that dashboard… I'm not sure we can top this.

      1. fodder650 Avatar

        We've had a couple already with that Cruiserbusa bike and the unfinished Merc widebody. We still have six more days to look as well.

      2. P161911 Avatar

        The really amazing thing is somebody thought this was a good idea in 2005, not 1975 or even 1985.
        And you don't get the hubcaps!

    2. danleym Avatar

      Why have all of the major manufacturers not come up with this idea before? Every truck needs a door to get into the bed. This guy is an automotive genius. Chrysler needs to hire him, right away. Or maybe Mitsubishi or Suzuki. He could save those companies.

    3. Sjalabais Avatar

      And the winner is… Want to park this thing outside a club Saturday night and watch drunken people trying to enter the back seat. That alone would be worth the money. Wouldn't it?

    4. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      Taillights wisely placed for signalling aircraft overhead.

  11. Corvette_Poncho Avatar

    I guess we have a different idea of what "gutted" means. The worst picture quality I've seen on Craigslist in a while! Wonder if the jeans come with it!
    <img src="; width="600">
    <img src="; width="600">

    1. P161911 Avatar

      I think they mean they gutted an animal inside of it. that might explain the red seats.

  12. danleym Avatar

    Pop up headlights on an old Beetle?
    <img src=""&gt;
    <img src=""&gt;
    Only $4,700, for any of you that are smitten by the playful batting of it's eyes… <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      So are we going to note the date is wrong? Someone doesn't know how to set up their old digital camera.

    1. danleym Avatar

      Must really like Cavaliers, since there's a 4 door in the driveway.
      My babysitter when I was little had a crappy 4 door with so much junk inside you had to rearrange the crap to make a spot to sit. I don't think I will ever be able to keep that image from coming to mind anytime I see a Cavalier.

      1. Chris in Carlsbad Avatar
        Chris in Carlsbad

        That's in my old neighborhood, he owned it over four years ago and also had a Sunfire at the same time. I laughed as soon as I saw the pic.

  13. danleym Avatar

    I'm adding this one not because of the horribleness of the vehicle- it's really not all that bad, but for another grammatical preference of many craigslist posters that I don't quite understand.
    Look past the all caps, and you'll see "CUSTOM HOUSE OF KOLORS PAINT "LOTS OF METAL FLAKE", ". The outer quotes are mine, the inner quotes are his. Why do people quote their own words in an ad? Or maybe this was a statement of a friend, maybe someone came to see his newly painted truck and said "wow, LOTS OF METAL FLAKE." I mean, they fucking screamed that, because they were so surprised. But at least tell me who said it.
    <img src="; width=500>

    1. POLAЯ Avatar

      In today's economy, the market has been driven more towards a two rear axle. I have a buddy who's an expert on multi-axled motor vehicles.

    2. Josh Howard Avatar
      Josh Howard

      For some reason… I still love this.

  14. Devin Avatar

    I live in Saskatchewan. We get lots of snow here. This Ford Probe might not be such a good idea.
    <img src="$(KGrHqV,!oMFBmHiq5RlBQZkoLdYRQ~~48_20.JPG" width="500">
    Also probably not a good idea for: anywhere inclines exist.

    1. erikgrad Avatar

      "built-in snow plow"

    2. jeepjeff Avatar

      It's for turbocharging. You put the intercooler behind the lower inlet, and in the winter, well, MOAR POWAR!

  15. FrankTheCat Avatar
    All I can say here is," Meth, not even once."
    [img ][/img]

    1. FrankTheCat Avatar

      Apparently I hit some of the meth. Derp. I should probably make an account so I can edit mistakes like that.

    2. Tim Odell Avatar
      Tim Odell

      Courtesy Embded:
      <img src=""&gt;
      If the residents of Mechanicville can't fix it, you know it's bad…
      Picture embed instructions: <a href="” target=”_blank”>

      1. calzonegolem Avatar

        I totally want this.

    3. fodder650 Avatar

      Well heck it was worth helping you for this one. Good find.
      <img src="; width=600 />

  16. Devin Avatar

    Math award: "95% Complete"
    <img src="$(KGrHqV,!iMFCeylWz+TBQwUHuoi1w~~48_20.JPG" width="500">
    I doubt that somehow

  17. Tomsk Avatar

    Anglo American twofer, fortified with caps lock and butt-turrible spelling! Just remember: NO REDICULOUS OFFERS.
    <img src="; />
    <img src="; />

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      Those misspellings have to be on purpose.

      1. dead_elvis Avatar

        Dont be rediculuous. This is criagslist your talken a bout!

    1. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
      mr. mzs zsm msz esq

      You are playing this game splendidly, but wrong. Please continue to do so! Some of the vehicles you find are great.

      1. Devin Avatar

        Some play to win, I'm much more into the show and tell part of the game.

  18. Tomsk Avatar

    For $1500*, you could start your own limo service!
    <img src="; />
    *Plus whatever other parts you need to source, and time and labor.
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. LTDScott Avatar

      That'd be great to replicate the Orangutan-driven Caddy in Cannonball Run II.

  19. danleym Avatar

    I have a confession: I secretly love really tacky 80s truck paint jobs.
    There, it feels better to get that off my chest.
    <img src=""&gt;
    <img src=""&gt;
    Also, I seriously hope there is a typo on the line where he says "Over $130,000 invested" <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. Devin Avatar

      Memories of Truckin' magazine from 1992.

    2. dead_elvis Avatar

      That's the value of the coke that blew out of the bed.

  20. Devin Avatar

    For only $3,500, buy something Rad.
    <img src="$(KGrHqF,!nkFB(E5I1zGBR!vh+(DK!~~48_20.JPG" width="500">

    1. Tim Odell Avatar
      Tim Odell

      That is…not terrible.

      1. Devin Avatar

        I said it was Rad.

    2. muthalovin Avatar

      Impressed. Very.

    3. Vairship Avatar

      And behind it are all the bed caps he's tried. So far, none of them fit.

  21. danleym Avatar

    [drum roll] And the awfulest wheels of the week award goes to…. this guy!
    <img src=""&gt;
    Link: <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      Just to think he can only afford to live in a townhouse because he's making payments on those mods.

  22. pj134 Avatar

    Not craigslist, but someone cloned an 80's 442…
    <img src="; width=500>

    1. P161911 Avatar

      Looks to be a rather nice clean Cutlass V-8 that somebody added 442 decals to. The interior looks normal. I could think of worse ways to spend a few grand.

  23. danleym Avatar

    Ok, first thought when I saw this picture was learn how to keep your fingers out of the picture.
    <img src=""&gt;
    Then, I thought it might have been a clever non photoshop way to block out the license plate. Then I saw the picture of the front, and decided he just needs to learn to keep his fingers out of the picture.
    <<img src=""&gt;
    Link: <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. jeepjeff Avatar

      Obviously, this is due to a personal problem, but I assume that it's his middle finger.

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      It's worth it for the interior shots alone. All that work and they leave the engine stock?

      1. Devin Avatar

        The flaming Playstation is the piece de resistance.

      2. calzonegolem Avatar

        Holy shit … Free dreamcast!

  24. Devin Avatar

    Alright, is the weird damage on the front bumper this Sunfire intentional?
    <img src="$T2eC16ZHJGwE9n)yUZE1BRBY9SwJ(g~~48_20.JPG&quot; width="500">
    Because it looks oddly sticker-esque to me.

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      Oh good he is proud of his battery and crappy aftermarket stereo.

      1. danleym Avatar

        He's also quite proud of all those girls he once saw in a magazine…

  25. wisc47 Avatar

    Alright here's my last post. Now I'm not posting it because it's crappy, in fact it's kind of cool in a weird way (just the way we like it in the hooniverse), but it's 34,900 dollars. Now, that's quite a bit of money, and it's probably a fair price for what it is, but my question is why is this on Craigslist? Who would need/want one? As far as I can see it's only practical use is for tours; that's not a very big niche market, and the consumers of that market probably aren't on the list of Craig. Although, I'm sure there are some pretty awesome, unpractical uses for it…maybe an old-timey party bus.
    <img src=""&gt;
    <img src=""&gt; <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      I've seen them used for weddings as well as tours. I believe we may have one or two that run through the town of Hershey as well.

    2. Vairship Avatar

      If the interior wasn't so nice, this would make an awesome RV.

    3. Vairship Avatar

      I know who needs this!

  26. I Think Not Avatar
    I Think Not

    That hood scoop. Worth at least 50% better horseponies, right?
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      Suzuki proudly telling you that you are buying 90% of a real car.

  27. Marlow Avatar

    This Geo wins because he wants 10500. Because Insano!
    <img src=""&gt;
    Collector Geo: 1991 Geo Metro LSI Convertible 5 speed manual. air condition app. 113K. Runs excellent, two small dings in the body. Convertible top has a couple of small patches. 40 to 48 miles per gallon. Serious enquires only. Will not answer emails. $10500.
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. Mostly I'm going to cry. Then realize he will get this much for it when gas hits $5 a gallon.

    2. Tim Odell Avatar
      Tim Odell

      …that plate makes me curious.

    1. fodder650 Avatar

      Normal people use wallets. Keeping cash in your hand is a great way to get mugged by someone with a creepy painted van.

    2. muthalovin Avatar

      Needs more Where The Wild Things Are.

    3. smalleyxb122 Avatar

      If that were closer, I'd at least take a look. The paint is easy to remedy, and $1200 isn't a bad price for a runner. Plus, the bull bar makes it look like it has serious A-Team potential.

  28. I Think Not Avatar
    I Think Not

    Looking for a great buy on a hot rod racing pickup?
    Awwwww yeah!
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

  29. I Think Not Avatar
    I Think Not

    It's got the dubs! It's got the mystic paint! It's got t-tops! Arrrrrrrrrahahalasdhfhagargargargargargarggle!
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

  30. VolvoNut Avatar

    I know that they are supposed to run, but you could get a good one out of these three.
    Also, Diesel Chevette!
    <img src=""&gt;

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      A "good one" what – case of tetanus?

    2. fodder650 Avatar

      Well you might be able to get one whole out of these three but why?

  31. Devin Avatar

    Who is Heather and why is she so great? This Corsica also has an Anti-Brake System.
    <img src="$(KGrHqRHJBQFEHFcMwQ(BRCVZzmfj!~~48_20.JPG&quot; width="500">
    (Only posting because of the Great Heather)

    1. sporty88au Avatar

      I think he means heater, or maybe some other means of staying warm.
      <img src=""&gt;

  32. Devin Avatar

    The truck is black, the lights are black, the exhaust is black…
    <img src="$T2eC16RHJF8E9nnC7Q-WBRBh,MQ86Q~~48_20.JPG&quot; width="500">

    1. dead_elvis Avatar

      I bet the volume knob goes to 11.

    2. P161911 Avatar

      The bad thing is, this truck isn't a diesel!

    3. Alcology Avatar

      what else is black

    1. Ol'Shel' Avatar

      There was also a pre-GNX turbo regal. A girl in high school had one with a 5-speed. Very rare.

  33. RahRahRecords Avatar

    67 scout, 1000$
    the ad says it runs
    <DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto"><img src=""&gt;

  34. I Think Not Avatar
    I Think Not

    This is something I've never seen nor heard of — a Chevette-based kit car. I know the Pinto oily bits have been used for kit cars, with the front suspension design being particularly popular with its double-a-arm goodness, but the Chevette? I thought that car was little more than a Malaise-era punch line.
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. jeepjeff Avatar

      It was mostly a Malaise-era punchline, but I expect the trio of Diesel Chevettes above to actually sell. At least as parts cars. The diesel Chevettes have a following amongst a particular crowd of hypermilers (fuel efficient, good starting shape, low mass, etc).

  35. TurboBrick Avatar

    Here you go, here's your chance to own a 2006 Renault Clio for just a hair under $5000. Good luck with the DMV!
    <img src=""&gt;
    <a href="” target=”_blank”>

    1. 5keptic Avatar

      just Slap a nissan emblem and a versa grill on the front.

  36. ptschett Avatar

    How about a Monte Carlo with Lambo doors, not to mention other questionable mods? (I don't want to know what a Nu Nu is.)
    <img src="; width="500"/> <a href="” target=”_blank”>

  37. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
    mr. mzs zsm msz esq

    <img src="; width="660"> I just asked, it's still for sale! 52 PV – act fast, could be gone any day now.* <img src="; width="660"> *Due to rust and rising spring water.

  38. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

    <img src=""&gt;
    Am I too late with this Fantastic Voyager? No? Good. (A friend just shared it on Facebook.)

  39. jeepjeff Avatar

    Here's one for Tim:
    Sorry, no pictures. But that only makes it better, because you can use your imagination! Only $650!

  40. jeepjeff Avatar
    Here's another one:

    Runs good but smokes
    Its Going to need an engine soon
    Its on a non op
    No back fees
    Need it gone

    <img src="; width=500>
    $1000. I'd go for the 4runner.

  41. jeepjeff Avatar

    Just kidding about the 4runner in my previous post. I'd get this instead:
    <img src="; width="500'/">

    hey, im selling my 94 gt vr-4 AWD "twin turbo" 6spd. the engine makes a noise. i got it checked by a mechanic and he said its rod bearing noise, its gonna need a lower block rebuild. the car still starts, runs, and is drive able.

    147,000miles and it's pre-blowuppinessed. You know it won't crap out on you right away or soon, because it already is! Only $3000.
    EDIT: Also, I figured out another great CL keyword search to find contenders. Can you figure out my secret?

    1. TurboBrick Avatar

      Let me guess… "Mitsubishi" ?

      1. jeepjeff Avatar

        hahahahaha. Nope. (But that one would probably work great, the real answer turned up a number of them.) I posted three things right in a row, only the last is a Mitsubishi.

    2. smokyburnout Avatar

      Mechanic Special!
      <img src=""/&gt;
      "1.6 Litre Volswagon Dasher Hatchback 1981
      – Diesel Engine operates about 50mpg average

      – Can be converted to all wheel drive" <a href="” target=”_blank”>

      1. jeepjeff Avatar

        Oh yes. It was mechanic special!

    3. Vairship Avatar

      The secret word is "need" 😉

  42. erikgrad Avatar

    I could just save this for tomorrow, but thought I'd share it when I saw it. Pretty cool, but needs more lift:
    <img src=""&gt; <a href="” target=”_blank”>….