Craigslist Crapshoot

The World’s Worst Car Is For Sale On Craigslist Welcome to Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly search for the most bizarre, awesome, and/or terrible vehicles that the online classifieds has to offer.  You might not want to pony up for any of the pony cars found last week. We were looking for examples from the form’s nadir, the late ’70s and early ’80s, and there were some slim pickings to be had—freaky, but slim. We’ll pick the winner in just a sec, but first this week’s quest. There’s been a lot of buzz about the new Miata hardtop convertible, which debuted yesterday and wasn’t at all what everyone was expecting. Since that was the case, and perhaps it’s still not everyone’s cup of sake, let’s have a look at some earlier Miatas, and see if we can’t find modded ones that we might actually like. Price is no object. As always, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Since we’ve changed commenting systems, you may need to update your commenter account. Make sure you have a Disqus account – they’re free and easy to get – and then comment away.

Got that? Good, now giddy-up.

The genre of the pony car took its name from its inceptive model, the Mustang. Interestingly, while it carried a galloping steed as its mascot, that car wasn’t exactly named for the horse. Instead it was named after the P51 Mustang, which was one of the greatest and most iconic fighter planes ever conceived. We’re not noting a ‘Stang this week, but our notable pony does also have an airplane connection to its name. This street/strip Gremlin, found by mrh1965 takes its sobriquet from the mythical troublemakers that WWII bomber crews imagined vexed them in flight. This Ford-powered AMC might vex a few competitors and looks pretty sweet too. Congrats to mrh1965, and thank you all for your pony-car postings! 1977 AMC Gremlin street/strip outlaws

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