Hooniverse Weekend Edition – Howdy!
Editors Note: This weekend, Hooniverse will be running a series of posts introducing you to some of the new writers who are now in our part of the Hooniverse. Please meet Scott by way of his Chevy, and let him know how much you appreciate his contributions. That’s me in the photo. I was born…
Oh Muse! My Daily Commute Taunt
Each and every day, on the way to and from work, I drive past it. Each day I feel less and less of a man for not accepting its challenge. To some, it may look like a mere crosswalk, guarded by two equal and opposite islands of concrete. To me, it is a big middle…
PaperCars – Should Hold You Until Quitting Time
Please welcome one of few new contributors, Scott Ith. Scott comes to us from his own website, NeedThatCar which has a ton of hoontastic stuff on it. Please make Scott feel welcome and awkward at the same time. -KK Do you have a few hours of work left? Do you need to look busy without…
Escort Owner Demonstrates How To Write A Classified Ad
If you are like us, you spend a considerable amount of time reading classified ads for cars. They usually contain the same information. “Nice car, low mileage, all the options” etc… Classified ads, let’s face it, are utilitarian. But occasionally, you find a gem in the pile. This ad is just such a gem. Click…
Shopping Advice: IXOOST iPod/iPhone Docks
Combine a custom machined block of aluminum, some old exhaust headers, and some high-quality speakers and what do you get? IXOOST, which is today’s coolest tech/automotive gadget. Rush out and buy one of these for every auto/moto enthusiast on your list. Click through for more info.
Modern Art Monday: Speed's Fancy Bits
Last weekend, Ray and I were fortunate enough to take in an exhibit called Speed: The Art of the Performance Automobile. It features a very impressive collection of some of the most notable racing machines of the automotive era. There were also one or two street cars in the collection (the ’54 Ferrari made me think…
Today's Best Video: Farm Truck Wheelie
Every now and then some yokel brings his old truck to the drag strip thinking he can keep up with the muscle cars and the ricers. Every now and then the yokel is right. Click it for the “Holy $#!t!” [Source: Youtube | Thanks for the tip Chris Dortzbach]