Continuing on with this weekends Quick Hits, and look at what I found this time… An Electric Plymouth Horizon TC3 Coupe from 1981. This car looks to be in incredible shape, and the paint color is what I would call Electric Blue (what else could I call it?) but does this car make you want to own it?
There have been converted Plymouth Horizons in the past, and you can go to this link to read about one of them, but I don’t think this is one of those models. According to the Craigslist Listing:
FOR SALE: 1981 Plymouth Horizon. 47,000 miles, Garaged and not driven in winter, ALL ELECTRIC, 120v DC GE Motor, Curtis 1221C-7401 Motor Controller, Anderson Emergency Shut-off, Motor rebuilt 2011, On-board Russco charger, BLS Battery Life Saver, Detachable Tow Bar, Towing Light Wiring. Great commuter car.
Asking price for this converted Electric Plymouth is $5,500, or best reasonable offer. It is actually a treat to see one of these early TC3 Coupes in relatively good condition, but does this all electric drive-train make this Plymouth even desirable? See the Northern Michigan Craigslist Listing here, and let me know what you think…
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