Wagon-esque Camera Car built from a Porsche Panamera

chase car panamera

I don’t know why, but I loves me some camera car build stories. The various outlets that build these vehicles all seem to have made a switch a few years back to utilizing luxury sport utility vehicles. The stable platforms and their smooth suspension setups helped create the types of platforms necessary for camera work. Now, the industry is getting out of control and more exotic machines are being employed to hoist the expensive camera gear and operating systems.

Our friends at BoldRide.com discovered the latest in the luxo-camera car world, and it’s been built using a Porsche Panamera. The car itself is probably the least expensive piece of machinery here. The crane and crane head run nearly $800,000 together. Here I thought my GoPro was expensive…

Head over to BoldRide.com for the rest of the story.

[Source: BoldRide.com]

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11 responses to “Wagon-esque Camera Car built from a Porsche Panamera”

  1. POLAЯ Avatar

    Give car to Bieber!

  2. $kaycog Avatar

    I have two favorite camera cars.
    This GT40 was used in the movie, Grand Prix.
    <img src="http://www.classicdriver.com/upload/images/_de/6578/Ford_GT_40_Maxted_Page_Limited_07pop.jpg"width="500"/&gt;
    And this GT40 was used in the movie, LeMans.
    <img src="http://www.friendsofstevemcqueen.com/imglib/kiss-569bb.jpg"width="500"/&gt;

  3. Preludacris Avatar

    The hatch on the back actually serves no purpose, but film crews were sick of having to see the Panamera's back end. In order to retain clients, Bold Ride disguised the Porsche. A key grip was quoted as saying, "I don't mind this new wagon. We used to rent some kind of weird ugly Porsche, but I'm really glad it was replaced by… you know, I don't actually know what kind of car this is."

  4. Sjalabais Avatar

    It definitely looks like something to shoot with. Shooting movies isn't the most obvious though.

  5. Vavon Avatar

    But will it float over bumps like a Citroën CX Wagon camera car? Wagon Wednesday!!!
    <img src="http://images.forum-auto.com/mesimages/86403/CX BBC TV.jpg" width="650'/">

    1. TheOtherMacLeod Avatar

      Shades of the latest Top Gear…

  6. OA5599 Avatar

    "The crane and crane head run nearly $800,000 together. Here I thought my GoPro was expensive…"
    This one won't fall off like your GoPro.

    1. click_here Avatar

      haha, that was my first thought when I saw that picture!

  7. alloywindows Avatar

    love the curtains in the backseat!
    that must have been some high speed ride on "mother in law" seat

  8. bilprovning Avatar

    Technology makes our life easy and comfortable. Looking this Wagon-esque camera car is outstanding. The technological device as Wagon-esque camera car reflects our scientist efficiency.

  9. click_here Avatar

    They should take that giant camera off there and put a point and shoot or a GoPro on there just to take of picture of it!