Video: Two Guys, One Bike courtesy of RideApart

two guys one bike rideapart

Friend of Hooniverse Matt Farah can typically be found behind the wheel of something with way too much horsepower, having way too much fun. Anything with four wheels, and it’s likely that Matt’s taken one for a spin. This time, however, Farah finds himself behind someone, not something as he goes for a ride with RideApart resident professional rider and on-screen talent Jamie Robinson.

I myself want to learn how to ride two-wheeled machines. Still, I don’t think I wan to learn how to do so from the back… Farah is a brave man in this video (shown below the break), but with Robinson in control you know you’re going to be safe, if not scared to a pants ruining point.

Jump past the break for the video. It’s pretty funny and well shot, but we’d ditch the eight-bit video game soundtrack just to listen more closely to the bike itself.

[Source: RideApart/Drive on YouTube]

[youtube width=”720″ height=”405″][/youtube]

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9 responses to “Video: Two Guys, One Bike courtesy of RideApart”

  1. jeepjeff Avatar

    Ha! I did that on Saturday. I went out to breakfast with a bunch of friends and went hiking afterwards. When dividing up to see who rode in which car, the motorcyclist in the group offered to take a pillion. I volunteered. We headed out from Mountain View, CA on highway 9 heading towards the coast. His bike was a Triumph touring bike (I didn't get the model number, but it wasn't a superbike). He did run it up past 100mph on Highway 85 at one point, but the highlight was highway 9 and highway 236 (go check google maps, section between San Jose and Big Basin State Park).
    I had a similar experience to Mr. Farah. It was fun. I think I want to be at the controls the next time I'm on a bike. (There were even sketchy points where we nearly lost it on a hairpin with a bad surface.) This is the full explanation for item #10 on yesterday's "Everybody make a list!" post.

  2. Tim Odell Avatar
    Tim Odell

    I…would not volunteer to have Matt Farah mount me from behind.

  3. Plecostomus Avatar

    As someone who has ridden two up with another man, it is unwieldy controlling both your weight and that of someone heavier than you. (Perhaps a rider with an exceptionally heavy girlfriend can offer their input?)
    I nearly toppled over in front of a crowd of people at Cook's Corner trying to park while 2-up. My brother was lighter than me and still a challenge, I would hate to be sharing a motorcycle's banana seat with a bigger dude like Matt on the back.
    That, and it looks really, really gay, literally, and you have to constantly explain yourselves. "No, we are brothers, not a couple." It's fine if that's what you're going for, but for the average male, not so much…

    1. jeepjeff Avatar

      Eh. They're in Los Angeles. I'm in the Bay Area. Didn't think twice about having to explain 'no homo' (as noted: the cyclist I rode with was also a dude).
      <img src=""&gt;

      1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
        Jeff Glucker

        Perfect image…

      2. Plecostomus Avatar

        Maybe it was that I was riding in the OC, but man, I felt judged enough to have to explain myself; so I'll leave it at that. When I first thought up the trip I didn't expect to be all that homoerotic.
        But I guess things are little more conservative here behind the Orange Curtain…

        1. Plecostomus Avatar

          and amongst mostly strangers, not people who knew me

        2. jeepjeff Avatar

          Oh. Orange County. Right. I find my life is easier if when a stranger is glaring/giving-judging-looks for no discernible reason (or a dumb bigoted one), that I assume it's their problem. 😉

  4. Batshitbox Avatar

    Grab Rails, people… they keep your ass on the seat and your chin off the driver's helmet. Use the Jesus Bar in a 4WD offroad, and use the grab rails on an MC everywhere.
    <img src="; width=500>
    I've had many occasions to be the passenger (since my bike hasn't worked for 10 years) and I swear by the grab rails. Unless there's a sissy bar. Damn, the first time my girlf discovered the sissy bar it was like driving alone (though, she was only 110 lbs and it was a GS850G, so not a great leap), we went up Mt. Hamilton like a squirrel on roller skates.