Please welcome Edmund Burgess to the Hooniverse Hall of Fame. Mr. Burgess was driving his 1924 Bugatti Type 13 in the Prescott Hill Climb event when the car got… out of sorts. Entering a turn at around 30 miles per hour, the car wound up turning on its side and went top-first into a guardrail. The image above shows just how insane this accident can be in a car without a roof.
There’s a good ending here, I promise… otherwise we wouldn’t post this story. Keep reading to hear what happened next.
According to the Daily Mail, Burgess wound up getting up and walking away from this crash. Not only that, but Mr. Burgess picked himself up then wandered over to the nearest bar to down a few pints.
This man is now one of my heroes.
Here’s what he had to say after the nearly brutal accident,
“It happened very suddenly. I was approaching a hairpin bend and I was going a little faster than usual, maybe 30mph, when I tried to brake. Before I knew it, I’d lost control and the car toppled over. When I saw how damaged the car was, I was amazed I could pull myself out and walk away. I was very lucky
My helmet must have hit the barrier, but otherwise I was OK. I decided to sit the rest of the event out in the bar with a beer. I’m just irritated more than anything because it means I can’t compete again until this one is repaired.“
You nearly die in a wreck of your vintage Bugatti… and you’re irritated?
Mr. Burgess is director of the Bugatti Owner’s Club, and we believe every single owner should buy this man a pint and then strive to live up to his legend. Move over Bill Brasky, make room for Edmund Burgess.
[Source: DailyMail]
My helmet must have hit the barrier, but otherwise I was OK. I decided to sit the rest of the event out in the bar with a beer.
‘I’m just irritated more than anything because it means I can’t compete again until this one is repaired.
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