I’ve found a new calling in life. My goal is to find an employer that will let me smash something expensive with a hammer. There’s a person that has to do this at Koenigsegg, believe it or not. The idea behind the beatings is to test the Koenigsegg body panels for strength and durability. All of this is taken a step further with regards to full-on crash testing of these very expensive cars.
Koenigsegg can’t afford to produce a run of machines simply for destructive testing. That would represent a loss of many millions of dollars. Instead, Koenigsegg does a variety of crash tests on one model that is safely rebuildable after a gamut of testing. This repeatable testing quality is owed to the fact that Koenigsegg’s cars are built around a very strong carbon fiber monocoque. The rest of the car around the monocoque can be beaten up, destroyed, and then replaced.
But still, just look at how strong carbon fiber truly is. In the video, the hammer beating and crash testing reveals how tough the lightweight material is and how it responds to a healthy beating.
Koenigsegg takes all of the data it learns during its crash testing and implements great safety features. For example, it’s airbags detect not only the size of the passenger but where on the seat that passenger is sitting. Then the airbag knows how much force it needs to unleash on deployment for the best efforts of its safety abilities.
It’s fascinating stuff. Click play on the video above and see for yourself.
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