Last week, I gave you a quick tease about a story I was working on. The image showed a pair of Bugatti automobiles, one old and one far newer. The two vehicles are a part of the collection at the amazing Mullin Automotive Museum. There’s a new exhibit that attracted my attention, and it’s not just about cars.
It’s called The Art of Bugatti, and it highlights the fact that this family was good at designing more than just automobiles.
Ettore is the name most fans of the brand will know. He came from a family that was greatly involved in the world of Art. His father Carlo was noted for his furniture and jewelry. Ettore also had a brother named Rembrandt, who turned out to be a world-class sculptor. With a name like that, however, it almost seems inevitable.
A variety of the family art work is now on display at the Mullin Automotive Museum, and it sits besides some of the most beautiful vehicles the world has ever seen. This even includes one that is bound for the sky. A team has undertaken the tall task of reproducing the Bugatti 100P airplane. It’s an expectedly beautiful design that features a twin V tail, inline engines, and dual counter-rotating front propellers. The goal was to produce the fastest airplane in the world, but the project was brought to a halt as war took a hold of the planet. This reproduction version should take to the air sometime this year, if it continues to receive enough support.
Take a virtual walk through the image gallery below for some photos of the various cars, bits of the artwork, and a handful of angles taken in of that glorious plane.
[Images copyright 2014 Hooniverse/Jeff Glucker]
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