The AMMO NYC FROTHe is my new favorite car washing tool

I’m a lazy son of a bitch. It’s a problem, certainly, but only when I let it get in the way of the more important aspects of work and life. One area where this is less of a problem is with regards to cleaning my car. Having a flawlessly clean machine is not high on my list of priorities, but I do feel bad when I let my 1974 Mercedes-Benz 280 sedan sit outside for too long. Couple my lack of enthusiasm for car washing with a lack of an adequate space for easily doing so, and the problem is only compounded. Or at least it was, until I got ahold of FROTHe from AMMO.

I just washed my car, after it had been sitting for more days than I’d like. During that time, dust and dirt accumulated on the body and glass. There was also a bit of ash falling from the sky due to the nearby Holy Fire. After returning home from a weekend away, it was time to clean my car.
This task proved far more simple than I even hoped. I filled the AMMO Aerator with two ounces of FROTHe and 40 ounces of Freedom water. A bit of shaking once the cap was back in place, and then I just needed to prime the pump. No batteries. No power cords. Just a bit of pumping and the aerator was ready to rock.

Depress the trigger and the soapy mixture flows out fast and furious. It’s best to work your car in sections, so I started with the driver’s side fender and worked my way around the car. You can use this on the wheels and the glass as well, so feel free to truly coat the area in which you’re working.
As I worked around the car, I’d overspray into one area but it was easily wipe up and no harm was done. Once the foam is in place, wipe it away with a clean towel. Then go back over it for another pass with a dry clean towel and you’re basically done. This is truly waterless washing as I’m not worrying about my hose, buckets, or any other cleaning gear.

As I worked the towels over the car, I could feel the dirt practically lifting off the body. With the second towel pass, the metal felt smoother which is more evidence that the stuff was working and working well.

After I’d completed a pass around the entire car, I turned to AMMO’s Hydrate Paint Moisturizer. Larry Kosilla from AMMO recommends this as an secondary step after the FROTHe process. The reason? It’s a quick way to leave a layer of paint protection in place after you’ve just washed your car. To use it, simply place a bit directly on a clean, damp microfiber towel and again work in sections. Move in an up and down fashion on the given section you’re working on, and that’s it.

Now, my paint needs a bit more help than just this simple cleaning setup can provide. I have a few water spots on the trunk and hood that will require a bit of waxing and buffing. There are a number of minor dents and dings. Finally, the lower portion of the driver’s side doors needs paint correction. But as for the car in general, it looks and feels far cleaner and it took me about 20 minutes in total.
AMMO sells a bottle of FROTHe for $35. That sounds like a lot for a 16-ounce bottle of fancy soap. But this is a concentrated solution, and one bottle is good for between 25-30 waterless washing sessions. The AMMO Aerator is $60. If you want the Hydrate as well, that’s another $25. If you manage to eke out 30 washes, that’s just four bucks per wash with no water wasted.

If you’re lazy like me, or you live in a space that’s not conducive for car cleaning, then you need a setup like this. Check it out on Larry’s website at
[Disclaimer: Larry is a friend of Hooniverse and sent me the Aerator and cleaners at no charge. I’m telling you how good they are though, because they really are that good.]

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9 responses to “The AMMO NYC FROTHe is my new favorite car washing tool”

  1. MattC Avatar

    That looks very nice. I’m a big fan of waterless washes and used correctly will rival a traditional wash in effectiveness.

  2. wunno sev Avatar
    wunno sev

    if you’re not stressed about the water usage, it takes about 20 minutes to wash with a bucket and sponge, too.

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      Agreed – but the way my condo is setup, it’s annoying to run my hose from a second floor patio down to the space in front of the garage.

  3. GTXcellent Avatar

    How does this work on bug guts? Between all the honey bee hives, and the dragon flies and the butterflies and the bull flies and the grasshoppers and all the other insecta of our short summer climate, it doesn’t take long for our vehicles to look like this
    I like the idea and have been checking into foam cannons myself – I like how you don’t need to attach this to an air compressor.

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      whoa… You might have an extreme example – would be a good question for Larry at Ammo though.

      1. Fred Avatar

        Yea I’d like to hear how he removes bugs. A good coat of wax and wash asap is the best I can do.

    2. I_Borgward Avatar

      Yep, those are Midwestern-grade bug guts, all right.
      My tip: soften those bugs up before you try to remove them. I’ve used old terry cloth towels soaked with water and then draped them over baked-on bug splatter, leaving them to soak for several minutes. Dissolve them instead of scrubbing them, much easier on the finish. It might take a few rounds, but let the water do the trick. Whatever is left, take the heavier cleaners to.

      1. Vairship Avatar

        I heard an old wives tale that nylons are great for removing bug guts. (Maybe something to do with static electricity?)
        So maybe get yourself some old wives’ nylon hosiery…

  4. Dry Splash Avatar

    I loved your style, the minimal, engaging, and entertaining. I am a huge fan of less water usage. if you ever come to California, then stop by my station I’d love it.