[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M0KzSLHnh4[/youtube] I love this truck. If you weren’t already aware, the folks at Hot Rod Garage have themselves a 1973 Dodge D200. It’s a sweet pickup, and you see far less D-series trucks than you do Chevys and Fords. Tony Angelo (Hooniverse Podcast Guest) has taken the truck and swapped in a Cummins turbo diesel engine, and the result is one bad-ass oil-burning truck. In the latest episode of Hot Rod Garage, the crew over there upgrades the truck even further. I’d say that I think a burnout match is in order between #RollSmokey and HoonTruck, but I don’t stand a chance in that battle.
Roll On, Smokey!
Jeff Glucker
Jeff Glucker is the co-founder and Executive Editor of Hooniverse.com. He’s often seen getting passed as he hustles a 1991 Mitsubishi Montero up the 405 Freeway. IG: @HooniverseJeff
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