My journey of wrenching exploration continues with HoonTruck. Queue the cartoon cat because I feel like I take a step forward, and then I wind up two steps back. Regardless, it’s been an enjoyable process learning how to “fix” things on the truck, and I’ve not been demoralized to a point where I’d ever feel like giving it up.
Recently though, there were a few things I needed to do that required a bit of help. So I reached out to friend of Hooniverse Rick Radcliffe. This time it would be me learning alongside his students in the garage classroom.
Watching young folks excited to wrench on an old car… that’s a pretty awesome sight.
So where do we stand on the truck? Well, I’ve installed a number of parts sent my way by the oh-so-excellent folks at LMCtruck.com. The new steering wheel is in, and sitting off-center because I’m an idiot. That’s an easy fix that I’ll get to eventually. We have the Cragar wheels sitting at all four corners, but the same rubber wrapped around them. There’s a new set of tires to be ordered soon enough.
Under the hood, the glass fuel filter is gone and it’s been replaced by a regular metal unit. So now my engine fire risk has dropped from DEFINITELY GOING TO HAPPEN to YOU SHOULD STILL HAVE A FIRE EXTINGUISHER IN THE CAB JUST BECAUSE. We initially removed the fuel pressure regulator, but then I found my fuel pressure jump to 9psi. That was bad, so I just reinstalled it yesterday afternoon… yes all on my own. I can fit hose and tighten clamps, I’m basically Edd China now.
The cooling issue still persists even after I put a new thermostat in place. No, I haven’t installed a shroud and yes I realize that is part of the problem. Regardless, I want to move to electric fans so that I can sit in LA traffic and not even worry about that temp gauge.
The radio that was in there already has been removed. I’d hoped to have the Retrosound unit installed the same day I removed the old radio, but the previous owner ran a hodgepodge of BS wiring and it’s going to take more time to rip it all out and start over. At the moment, a Bluetooth speaker and my iPhone provide the tunes when I take the truck for a spin.
The latest issue lies with the ignition switch. Now when I turn the key to OFF, the battery is still keeping things hot. I can see all the gauges on and the radio, when it was in, stayed on. I swapped in a new ignition switch over the weekend… but the issue hasn’t gone away. More digging required on this one, so for now I just have to pop the negative terminal off the battery.
The truck is getting there, and I’m loving every second of owing it. I can’t wait to get it further along, and I plan on wearing out my LMCtruck catalog. I still have the aforemetioned radio, a roll pan, a fender, and a horn to install. Additionally, I will get to the Peterson-supplied LED headlights, which fit just like the original seven-inch roundies in there now.
Wombat Update
We still have no solution yet for the steering issue. I was originally going to bring in a champion Formula Drift driver to have a look and weigh in on the subject, but the season already started and they’re crazy busy.
Regardless, Scared Shiftless is pressing on and has focused on the task of getting that motor ready to crank over. I’ll be heading over to the shop either early this week or next week. I wish I had more to share on this one, but it’s a slow process turning a W123 wagon into something much more exciting.
It will happen… and it will be awesome.
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