After the 24 Hours of LeMons, I’ve returned to push out a podcast. At LeMons, our Ranchero was running well before we hit a few snags. I’ll go over all of that and a bit more in this 30-minute episode of the Hooniverse Podcast.
We’re closing in on Episode 300. Like 200 before it, we’ll plan on doing a live show somehow somewhere. For Episode 200, we recorded live at a local brewery and that’s likely to happen again. If you’re in Southern California sometime in the not-too-distant future, make sure to stay tuned for info on our Episode 300 party.
If you want your own podcast, make sure to check out You can be up and running in as little as five minutes. And then you too can write dumb titles like the one used for this very episode.
Want to see our mugs?
Also, if you want to watch the video version of the podcast, here you go:
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